This Restaurant Gives You Discount Off Total Bill Based On Your Bra Size

Last Updated on 2022-09-20 , 4:42 pm

What if I told you that you could get a 65% discount off your meal by just having a G Cup?

No. I’m not kidding.

Image: Facebook

And no I didn’t draw those women myself. It’s a real, legitimate ‘advertisement’ by the Trendy Shrimp restaurant in Hangzhou!

In case you can’t read Chinese, the slogan is “The whole city is looking for BREASTS.” For every progressive cup size, you get a bigger discount. So for A cup, it would be 5%, while for G cup it’s 65%!

Imagine window-shopping at a mall and seeing these posters stuck on walls.

Oh, the hilarity.

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Very surprisingly, local people started complaining to the council after spotting the posters. I wonder why.

One such complaint, however, stated that the posters were “vulgar advertising” and “discriminatory towards women”.

The posters first appeared on 1 August, but have since been taken down by the restaurant, Trendy Shrimp.

Response To The Advertisement Was Good, Sales Spiked

The restaurant’s General Manager, Lan Shenggang, defended the sales strategy, saying that customer numbers spiked by a whole 20%.

Some of the female customers were even proud of it. I wonder about the rest of the female customers, though.

Customers could redeem their discounts from the female waitresses if they felt too ’embarrassed’ to approach the male staff.

Not The First Time That a Restaurant in China Has Pulled Off Such a Stunt

In January 2015, a restaurant based in Henan rewarded “good-looking” diners, and just a month before that, an eatery in Chongqing had been giving discounts to ‘overweight’ men and ‘thin’ women.

I guess China just has a thing for controversial sales tactics, huh?

Personally, I don’t have anything against the advertisement, but I can totally see why some people would be offended by it.

I mean, what about males with man boobs? Do they qualify for the discount? If they do, what about those males with flat chests? What is this discrimination?

Alright, jokes aside, I can sort of understand why it is deemed ‘body-shaming’.

But if you think about it, plus-sized women would have a higher discount here, while skinnier women might be at a disadvantage.

Sounds like the opposite of fat-shaming. Although I’d admit there’s also skinny-shaming in existence too.

What do you think of this ‘advertisement’? Do you think it’s ‘body-shaming’?

The restaurant may no longer be around as no information on whether it’s still up and alive can be found.

Featured Image: Facebook