Resurfaced Footage of Old SBS Buses In 1995 Triggers Netizens’ Nostalgic Memories


Last Updated on 2022-06-20 , 2:44 pm

Public buses in Singapore today look good and they’re uber comfortable to travel around in.

Air-conditioned, with plenty of seats.

And sometimes, you might even see a kpop idol enjoying the ride too.

But before the air-conditioned buses and the great, green outlook, our buses used to carry the colours of our Singapore flag.

Now, if you don’t remember, or you insist on pretending not to be an uncle and auntie, a video of buses back in 1995 has resurfaced on Reddit.

1995 Footage Of Singapore Buses

First uploaded by YouTube user DaveSpencer32 in 2013, this video of old-school buses in Singapore has racked up over 89,000 views since then.

And despite the fact that it’s already 2019, the comments section showed that even now, people are still going in to reminiscence, or just listen to the soothing sound of old engines.

Here, you can watch the video for yourself below.

Now, in case your data has burst (like FatBoy89), here are some highlight screengrabs from the video that’ll make you go, Oh! I remember that!

Number Boards Were Not Digital

Image: YouTube (DaveSpencer32)

Today, all the buses have digitalised number boards. But in the past, they were wooden boards painted over by artistic people (with stencils, I’d imagine).

Same goes for the boards at the side.

It’s always fun watching the bus uncle switch the wooden board at the interchange before he allows people to board.

The Air Con Sign Everybody Loves Seeing

Image: YouTube (DaveSpencer32)

Back then, the number of non-airconditioned buses is so much more than air-conditioned ones.


So if you’re a kid (or adult) and you want to get out of the sunny Singapore weather, the blue label with the words “Air-Con” will make your day.

The Most Shiok Thing

Image: YouTube (DaveSpencer32)

Believe it or not, 90’s kids favourite bus rides weren’t on the air-conditioned buses. What we love are the non-air-conditioned double-decker buses.

Open a window and enjoy the strong breeze blowing through your hair as the bus travels.

Unless it rains, that is.

Or just after it rains.


The Nostalgic Tilt

Image: YouTube (DaveSpencer32)

Now, this is a safety concern. But back then, we were more concern about having fun. And nothing screams rollercoaster more than a double-decker bus tilting haphazardly as the driver makes a turn.

Netizens Start Sharing Nostalgic Memories

And with this video, the uncles and aunties of Singapore start talking about the “good old days”.

The familiar tune.

Image: Reddit

The engine noise.

Image: Reddit

That stupiak uncle.

Image: Reddit

And, of course, breakdowns have to come into the conversation.

Image: Reddit

What other memories do you have of the SBS buses (or TIBS buses with the sliding door)?

Featured Image: YouTube (DaveSpencer32)