SAF Deploying 100 Soldiers to Assist MOH Due to the Surge in Omicron Cases


It has been a tense two weeks in Singapore, especially with the worrisome spike in Omicron cases during and after the Chinese New Year period.

Clinics were flooded with a backlog of patients that waited for the re-opening of their clinics, hospitals saw a steady increase of patients, and the statistics on the government websites correspondingly increased.

Heck, it even reached the point where the Ministry of Health (MOH) had to tell the members of the public to take a figurative chill pill and stop going to the Accident & Emergency Department when they weren’t suffering from any severe symptoms.

Breathe in and out of your masks, we can tide through this, people.

Still in the Five Digits for COVID-19 Cases

Although the cases seemed to have plateaued, tentatively, with 10,562 local cases and 144 imported cases, with approximately 90% cases requiring no additional hospital-related medical attention and merely the initiation of self-isolation protocols, the numbers are undeniably high.

Understandably, some people have shifted from a kiasu (scared to lose) attitude to a kiasi (afraid of dying) mentality, such that they would like to have their worries assuaged by any means possible.

Which, of course, includes the calling COVID-19 hotlines.

If speed dials were still a thing of today, I think it would be affixed to the number 9, just in case.

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SAF Deploys 100 Soldiers to Assist the National Call Centre

In response to the rise of call numbers, the Singapore Army has deployed 100 soldiers to assist the MOH to bolster the manpower running the national call centre.

Rest assured, the public hotlines will (hopefully) not be as jammed up, and you will have trained members answering your every query, providing guidance, and re-assuring COVID-19 patients that everything will be alright in the weeks ahead.

To the army men, volunteers, and staff employed, thank you for your hard work!

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Featured Image: SAFVC