NOC Talent Samantha Tan Disputes Sylvia’s Apology Note; Said She Can’t Afford a Lawsuit

Yesterday (13 Oct) at around 8pm, Night OwL Cinematics (NOC) co-founder Sylvia Chan issued a lengthy apology on her Instagram account.

Around a week ago, allegations of verbal abuse towards her employees were levelled at Chan, after an Instagram account named @sgcickenrice shared leaked texts and audio which purportedly involved Chan.

After a week of back and forth and lawyer’s letters being exchanged, it seemed that Chan’s apology would finally bring the saga to an end.

Silly me, for thinking such a thing.

What Did the Apology Say?

Before we get to the meat of the matter, let’s dissect what Chan said in her apology post.

For those who don’t know, the screenshots of the leaked texts allegedly showed Chan calling her employers rather unkind things, such as “f**king shit” and “f**king retarded”.

Have a look:

Image: Instagram (@chickenrice)
Image: Instagram (@sgchickenrice)

Netizens seemed particularly appalled at her alleged mistreatment of Samantha Tan, an NOC talent who was the winner of kNOCk Out Season 1, a talent scouting show created by NOC.

Image: NOC

Chan allegedly said “I f**king hate her” and calling her a “f**k face* in text messages, and allegedly called her a “b*tch” who is “f**king dumb” in a leaked audio clip that has since been taken down.

In her apology, Chan admitted that her “expressions may have been harsh”, and acknowledged that she “did not live up to the standards expected of [her]”.

As for her alleged mistreatment of Tan, Chan provided an explanation. Here’s what she said:

“For clarity, Samantha was a contestant and the eventual winner of NOC’s reality show KNOCkout. She performed really well, so much so that she advanced into the finals. However, it was only late into production that I found out she had an existing three year bond with a government agency and would not be able to sign a full-time contract with us, which was the grand prize of the show.

“As the executive producer, that really upset me as I felt that everything we did in the show was for nothing, since she would not be able to win the grand prize anyway.

“I vented to my colleagues behind the scenes in private conversations with them.”

Chan said that Tan had reached out to her, and that the pair have since made peace.

But the story didn’t end there.

NOC Talent Samantha Tan Disputes Sylvia’s Apology Note; Said She Can’t Afford a Lawsuit

In an Instagram story, Tan refuted Chan’s claim that she learned about her bond with a government agency “late into production.”

“I signed the talent contract with NOC before filming began. Before I signed it, I made it clear that I had a gov bond for three years,” Tan wrote.

She added that a lawyer from NOC had also reviewed her contract to ensure that she was allowed to have “two contracts running at the same time”.

Image: Instagram (samanthatyf)

In a subsequent Instagram story, Tan revealed that all eight contestants of NOC’s reality show KNOCkout had signed a talent contract with NOC before filming for the show began.

If that were the case, the “grand prize” of a full-time contract with NOC which Chan mentioned in her apology, would have been given to all eight contestants, Tan pointed out.

Image: Instagram (samanthatyf)

Tan added, perhaps slightly tongue-in-cheek, that she won’t say anything further because she “can’t afford a lawsuit.”

“If anything, please support my upcoming gofundme,” she wrote.

Image: Instagram (samanthatyf)

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Featured Image: NOC & Instagram (samanthatyf)