SCDF Conducts Exercise At F1 Race Track For Fire & Chemical Emergencies; 150 Participants Involved

With the 48 Community Exercises that the SCDF holds each year, it is now a norm for us to see the SCDF responders in action.

Every big event comes with the risk of the threat of terrorism.

And the Formula 1 Night Race 2019 is no exception.

SCDF Holds Operational Exercise 

On the evening of 16 September, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) conducted an operational exercise that simulated fire and chemical emergencies.

It was held at the F1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix Race Circuit, where the race is set to take place from 20-22 September 2019.

The exercise tested its response to a fire and chemical agent release incident.

SCDF Took It Seriously  

This was not like the “fire drill” you did in primary school where you would stroll down to the parade square/ field and talk to your friend about how fake the drill was.

Image: Facebook (SCDF)

As you can see, the SCDF personnel clad are in protective gears and none of them is laughing at how funny the dummies look with the gas masks.

Image: Facebook (SCDF)

Clearly taking their jobs seriously even if it’s just a drill. Look at the number of people in uniform behind.

According to SCDF’s Facebook page, these exercises allow them to validate and update their operational plans and response procedures, including familiarising their emergency responders with the area of operations.

What To Do In Case Of Emergency 

If you’re caught in a chemical attack outdoors, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth and move away from the affected area.

Seek shelter as soon as possible and do not walk in the wind.

It is important to stay calm in the event of emergencies. Refer to the SCDF’s guidebook here.

Also, download the SGSecure app here to receive alerts on major emergencies.