Science Has Determined How Old One Should Get Married & It’s Before 30 Years Old


Last Updated on 2023-02-16 , 5:12 pm

This is a question that most of us have asked ourselves at least once in our lives.

Yes, even you who’s forever alone, although granted, your question will probably go along the line of will I ever get married instead of when should I get married.

What is the best age to get married?

For those thinking of taking the next step, have you ever wondered if you’re too young to do so? Or maybe you’re just thinking if you have to settle down soon.

For some Singaporeans, it depends on when there’s a new BTO.

Well, whatever your reason is, science has spoken and this time, it tells you the perfect age for you to settle down and have little monsters.

The 37% rule

Believe it or not, the perfect age for marriage was devised by way of the 37% rule. Yup, lifelong commitment and love predicted by a simple formula. The age was derived by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths, the co-authors of Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions.

Before you go apeshit, here’s a fact: algorithms are so powerful, they even have the ability to predict where you’re going tomorrow. And if you think I’m making this up, read this: Facebook is allegedly filing a patent on a technology that can predict where you’ll go next.

If you’ve watched some US dramas, you’d also have come across how some people can find you based on algorithms instead of GPS, simply because all animals are creatures of habits: with enough data, maths can determine what you’re going to do even when you yourself didn’t.

So, what’s the best-est age to get married then, based on science (well, it’s technically based on algorithms but anyways)?

According to them, the best decision a person can make is after going through 37% of your possible options before you an informed choice.

Any further than 37% will be a waste of time and it might just leave you missing out on your best option.

Whereas making a choice before the 37% mark might result in you missing out on something even better that comes along later. According to them, the best age to get married at is 26 years old, taking into account 37% of a 22-year period (18-40 years old).

The rule isn’t perfect but surprisingly it was pretty darned close

This magic number is also supported (somewhat) by a research conducted by Nicholas H Wolfinger who found that marriages between the age of 28-32 years old have a lower rate of divorce.

We did a little test in our office and asked the writers what age they think will be perfect for marriage, and most answered in the 26-27 years old range.


It’s time to get out

So for those of you who are still single and getting past the 26 mark, no worries! After all, the 37% rule states that if you start going out to look at your choices (which means you start looking for a bae at 26 years old), your optimal age to get married is at 31 years old.

And of course, this means that if you’ve started looking for a boyfriend and girlfriend at a very young age, you should marry earlier.


Featured Image: szefei / (Image is for illustration purpose only)