Scooby-Doo Van Spotted in Various Parts of S’pore with a Life-Sized Scooby-Doo

You remember Scooby Doo, the cartoon where a bunch of high schoolers and a dog arrest people for wearing costumes to scare people?

Image: Giphy

(The show is also high af.)

On 31st May, a Facebook user Faiz Isa posted a real-life Mystery Machine, spotted at Bendemeer. The post now has 12k shares, more than 3,000 reactions and 520 comments.

Image: Faiz Isa Facebook

Van has an Instagram page

The van, a 1991 Daihatsu Hijet, is owned by Clarence Tan, who bought the van from a friend and decided to turn it into a Mystery Machine because it had the right shape and size.

Without this project, which started on 1st April, the van would have been scrapped.

The van had various defects and even had 4 different wheels.

A battery 5 years old.

A post showing the repair of a dent.

Restoration in Progress (R.I.P)

The truck is then, of course, turned into this on 17th April.

He even bought a Scooby Doo doll 60cm in height from Carousel.

And if these still weren’t enough, on 3rd June he bought a set of Scooby Doo books.

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Purchased this off mk410 (Michelle) off carousell and showed her the photo of the book with the van. She was so happy, she said there are many more books on scooby that she is letting go too. Fast forward, after weeks of delay, we finally met on a sunday morning to collect the books. She was so happy to see the real life mystery machine. In the paper packet,I am shocked to find out she threw in a few other books for my kids too. God bless this ex-SQ girl, you made my day too. (The other lady in the pic is Melissa, the books once belong to her and she is happy to pass them on) #mystery #mysterymachine #mysteryinc #childrenbooks #garfield #smurfs #sq #siagirl #sqgirl #singaporeairlines

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A car collector bringing joy to his kids and others on the road

Clarence Tan is a classic car collector, with his passion for cars starting when he was a vehicle mechanic while serving NS. But his real motivation for providing joy on the roads is actually to have a real Mystery Machine for bonding with his children.

So, how accurate is it?

Generally, the more dedicated and accurate your cosplays are, the less weird looks people will throw at you.

There is an uncanny valley equivalent for cosplays that’s in that “damn, what a weirdo”, though in the case of this van, it’s “hot damn I don’t know what that is but that’s amazing”.

But still, the question remains: how accurate is it? This is what it looks like in the cartoon:

Image: Scoobypedia

The paint is fairly accurate, though 2 parts immediately strike here: the front bumper/mounted tyre and the wheel covers.

So I dug deeper to check if somebody elsewhere on the planet has done something even more accurate.

And I found this on Barcroft Cars, though they forgot the front tyre.

Image: Barcroft Cars YouTube

And then another on Ideal Classic Cars, but this time they didn’t do the wheel covers.

Image: Ideal Classic Cars YouTube

Just a suggestion: maybe they should do a meetup?