French Official Drugged Women During Job Interviews To Watch Them Urinate

One person’s kink is another person’s ew what the f**k is that? There is an endless, diverse list of kinks and fetishes that gets people’s hearts racing and their body parts shaking, most of which are harmless, albeit strange.

For instance, Lithophilia is the arousal to stone and gravel, which means you’ll be incredibly confused at a funeral at a cemetery.

Another unusual fetish is Formicophilia – the arousal to insects. So, while others go EW when they spot a cockroach, you go Dayum gurl, what’s yo name?

As long as they’re not harming anyone else, kinks and fetishes are fine, and on occasion, dandy. But as with any sexual activity, there is one necessary component: consent. Without it, your innocuous kink becomes sexual assault.

Charged with drugging women 

A senior official in the French Ministry of Culture has been charged with drugging women with diuretics in order to watch them urinate.

His offences are said to have taken place when the women attended job interviews at the ministry between 2009 and 2018.

The man, Christian, is also accused of taking secret pictures of the women’s legs under the desk using his mobile phone.

But how did he do it?

Used diuretics

Some candidates who applied for jobs at the French Ministry of Culture were referred to Christian, and he later invited them for a job interview.

Then, he would offer tea or coffee to the female candidates. However, unbeknownst to the women, Christian added diuretics to their drinks.

Diuretics, as I definitely knew before this and didn’t just find out, are medications that are designed to promote the increased production of urine.  So, after consuming these spiked drinks, the women felt an overwhelming urge to urinate.

But, Christian, being the crafty pervert that he is, took these women on walking tours of heritage sites near the ministry, away from cafes or museums where they could find toilets.

So, when these women experienced a sudden urge to urinate in the middle of nowhere, he took them to an embankment and offered to shield them with his coat while they relieved themselves beneath a bridge.

How chivalrous?

Traumatic experience 

Some of his victims recounted their experiences in an interview with French newspaper Liberation, detailing how they felt humiliated by it.

“I urinated on the floor, almost at his feet. I was humiliated and ashamed,” one victim said.

Another victim experienced incontinence and ended up urinating in her pants. Christian offered to remove her pants to dry at his window and so the victim was left in his office in her underwear for twenty minutes.

“I was so ashamed that I did not dare to talk to anyone about it”, she said.

Excel file

Christian, being the nostalgic pervert that he is, kept an Excel file of all his victims. He also kept pictures that he had surreptitiously taken of the women.

His disgusting antics were finally discovered when a woman caught him photographing her legs under the desk and reported him to his superiors.

The ministry reported him to the police, who found details of his exploits on his computer. He was immediately suspended at the time and fired three months later.

According to his list, he had drugged or photographed over 200 women between 2009 and 2018.

Police investigations are ongoing, but we hope that this sexual deviant gets the punishment he deserves.

After all, he’s not an NUS student with good GPA.