Seven M’sian Firemen Spent One Hour Rescuing A Cat That Fell Into a 6-Metre-Deep Drain

What would you do if you saw a stray cat in a 6-metre deep drain? Would you cry in horror but maintain a distance because you’re worried about the cat but more scared for your life? Well, who can blame you? Deep drains are scary. 

Unless you’re the Larkin Fire and Rescue Department in Johor, that is. 

Image: Sin Chew Daily

On Friday, 22 November, they got a call at about nine in the morning stating that a stray cat fell into a drain. 

At that, the department chief, Nazarudin Yusof, then immediately called for seven firemen and sent them down to the scene to help the little kitty in need.

When they got there, they realised the drain was six metres deep.

They also spotted the cat that was in the filthy stagnant water with no means of getting back out. 

Sin Chew Daily posted a clip of how it all went down. 

What Happened?

In the video, one man is seen being lowered down with his harness to save the cat.

Image: Sin Chew Daily

It seemed like the cat was a little afraid of the fireman so it scurried backwards and tried to flinch away from the fireman who was trying to reach out to it. 

Because of this, the stray cat, which was originally on a sewage pipe, then accidentally fell deeper into the drain. Poor kitty!

The Firemen’s Kindness

The firemen didn’t give up though. 

They preserved and although it took close to an hour, they finally manage to calm the cat down enough to carry it to safety. 

When they finally got the cat out of the drain, it was shaken and drenched with sewage water, but it was safe at last.

After they rescued the cat, the firemen’s kindness didn’t stop there because they then brought it back to their headquarters to take care of it, bathe it and even give it some food. Awww, how sweet!

Image: Giphy

It’s nice to know that there are people who would do so much for little feline creatures like that kitty.

We hope that that little kitty is well-rested now, especially after such a draining experience.