S’pore is Now Exploring Sourcing Chicken from Indonesia After M’sia Export Ban

Move over, Malaysian chicken. Indonesian chicken is about to hit the market.

A team from the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) is currently evaluating the standards of Indonesian chicken, and if they pass the test, we might see them hit the shelves soon.

On-Site Inspections To Meet SFA’s Regulations

Indonesia has never sold chickens to Singapore. In fact, they have only exported about 50,000 salted eggs to us every month.

But that’s about to change if their chickens meet our standards. The director-general for animal husbandry and health at Indonesia’s Agriculture Ministry, Dr Nasrullah, told The Straits Times that an SFA team has been in Indonesia since 14 June.

The team has been assessing farms, slaughterhouses, processing facilities, and other relevant areas. SFA also told The Straits Times that they’re working with Indonesian authorities to explore Indonesia as a potential source of chicken import.

As part of the accreditation process, SFA conducts documentary evaluations and on-site inspections. This is to ensure that overseas establishments and farms meet Singapore’s import requirements and safety rules before they start exporting to us.

Indonesia’s Oversupply of Chicken

In the past few years, Indonesia has been oversupplied with chickens. The production of chickens is about 15% higher than the domestic demand before the pandemic.

This oversupply became even worse during the pandemic, hitting 48% higher than demand in 2020, and 36% in 2021.

For 2022, the Indonesian agriculture ministry estimates that the population will need about 2.9 billion chickens. With production expected to be 3.8 billion chickens, there’s a surplus of 900 million chickens that could be readily exported.

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Will Probably Supply Frozen or Chilled Chickens

Singapore imported about 34% of our chicken supply from Malaysia, with most of it being imported live and slaughtered locally.

However, for Indonesian chicken, the most feasible option is to supply us with frozen or chilled chickens. This is less risky than bringing in live chickens, which could die during transport. Their weights may also shrink on the ships as they are delivered to Singapore.

With more sources of chicken coming into Singapore to meet demand, the prices of chicken will hopefully fall back down to pre-export ban levels.

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Featured Image: Dinoman / Shutterstock.com