SgInstaBabes Allegedly ‘Shut Down’ for Revamp & Founder Won’t Be Involved Anymore

Even if you don’t know what’s SgInstaBabes, you can probably guess from their name.

Singapore Instagram Babes (or chiobu).


And despite many people not willing to admit their support for the page, they have 107k followers on Instagram.

Which is a pretty big deal.

However, Things Changed Almost Overnight

SgInstaBabes page was pulled off Instagram. And it was unknown if they’ll be back online.

But even if it is, SgInstaBabes founder Lai Wee Kiat revealed that he will no longer be in charge.

He added that if SgInstaBabes comes back online, the platform will be stricter in its rules and higher age limits.

Currently, the age of girls at photo shoots are 16 and above, and for parties, 18 and above.

But what brought all this on?

It started with a Patreon Page

Image: Screengrab from

Patreon is a platform where content creators can seek money directly from the supporters of their work.

Supporters will pledge a certain amount of money to the creator of their choice every month.

With enough supporters, a creator can stop working a full-time job to supplement his or her income and start creating his art full-time instead.

Usually, it’s used by YouTubers, since the revenue from YouTube advertisements is…peanuts.

And that’s how SgInstaBabes is hoping to continue funding their business. By creating a patreon page on 23 Aug 2018.

Different Tiers, Different Perks

Here’s how supporting them works.

You’ll get some appreciation for the lowest tier.

Pay a bit more and you can see every single photo.

Upgrade a bit and not only do you get photos but videos to fa- I mean watch.

Who wants to be a fan when you can be a friend?

Obviously, you shouldn’t believe there’s such a thing called friendzone.

It’s time to stop hesitating and get up close and personal.

And for one lucky person, you get to go onto a boat with a couple of friends (or you yourself) and surround yourself with young pretty ladies.

(Before that, it seems like the “Party King” was initially called “Ultimate Sugar Daddy”, according to a screenshot by

Okay, obviously the captions placed above aren’t what sginstababes wants you to say. But that’s what the netizens think.

Which was why the backlash for this is strong.

A cursory glance makes you feel like the entire thing sounds like a sex-for-cash ring. And after a closer look, it really seems like one.

According to the netizens, that is.

Regarding the sales of photos (read: fan tier), Lai merely emulated Patreon pages from other countries.

Foreign models, content producers and social media icons give extra photos and videos for a monthly subscription fee.

He maintained that “there was nothing sleazy about it”.

As for partying (More than besties tier), he claimed that some of the girls like partying and doesn’t mind meeting people in the club or on a yacht.

All in all, he said that they wanted to give followers more chances to get up close and personal with their people on the team.

Founder Allegedly Asked Girls To Pose As Patreons

Their patreon page has 88 supporters at the time of writing this article. However, it wasn’t known how many are true supporters, and how many are not.

Because Dee Kosh circulated screenshots of a WhatsApp chat message allegedly sent by Lai.

He revealed the reason why he started the patreon page.

Image: Instagra (@deekosh)

Lai allegedly asked for any girls who have access to credit cards to sign up as patrons of SgInstaBabes on

And he assured them that if they cancel by 31 Aug, they won’t be charged a single cent.

Image: Instagra (@deekosh)

And the reason he is doing this is that Singapore is a monkey-see-monkey-do country. If anyone sees other people supporting the page, they’ll be inclined to do it themselves as well.

Image: Instagra (@deekosh)

And at the end of the day, he’ll rather satisfy people who pay SgInstaBabes and ignore the hate.

As for the Patreon campaign, you’d probably want to unsubscribe if you’ve signed up as a supporter.

If not, wait and see if SgInstaBabes will be revived once again. If that happens, Lai says the team will prove that the entire campaign is “fun and safe for both [its] members and subscribers”.

Oh, wells.