Super Serious Shanmugam Has Joined TikTok & Explained Why He’s Now on the Platform

With TikTok being the new Facebook when it comes to effectively engaging with your audience, there’s no surprise that many influencers and celebrities have all gradually started using the popular video-sharing platform.

But they aren’t the only well-known people who’ve started using TikTok.

More recently, politicians have also stepped up to the plate, putting themselves to the test with clips of them synced to iconic TikTok audios.

And with politicians like Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong and Minister for Health Ong Ye Kung joining in, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the next General Elections ends up being a TikTok one, where everyone has to register for an account and do a certain TikTok dance depending on which party they’re voting.

You can watch this video to understand why TikTok is important to politicians nowadays:

And while we’re at it, even K. Shanmugam, the Minister of Law, has joined the TikTok party as well.

Just earlier this week, Shanmugam, who also acts as Singapore’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and a Member of Parliament (MP) for Nee Soon GRC, posted his very first video on TikTok, marking the start of his TikTok career.

@k_shanmugam Hello TikTok.#firstvideo ♬ original sound – K Shanmugam

In the video, apart from saying hello to fellow Singaporeans, the minister also explained why he decided to join TikTok and gave a brief introduction on what viewers can expect from his account.

For the former, he mentioned that he hopes that his TikTok account will be “a good platform” to talk about various topics such as history, politics and even book recommendations.

Of course, he also hopes to chat more about issues related to Singapore as well.

Will Not Be Dancing or Singing

And for those wondering if we’ll be seeing an Uncle Raymond x Shanmugam collaboration anytime soon, I’m sorry to disappoint.

With regards to whether or not he will be singing and dancing, the Nee Soon GRC MP said a firm “no” with a grin, and added that audiences wouldn’t want to see him dancing or singing.

But hey, we never know, right? I mean, I think most of us didn’t expect Uncle Raymond to dance with Health Minister Ong Ye Kung until their collaboration video was posted.

TikTok Account May Feature His Dogs

However, despite the lack of singing and dancing content on his page, Shanmugam also shared that he may be featuring his two dogs in future TikTok videos if they are up to it.

He owns two dogs, with one of them being Millie, a white labrador who “retired from active service in SPF (the Singapore Police Force) a few years ago”.

His other dog is Samson, who is a little older and “not really willing to take part in any activities”, but viewers might still get to catch a glimpse of him if he is willing to take part in the videos.

Shanmugam also included clips of both dogs, which you can use as a sneak peek for now.

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Netizens’ Reactions

Up to now, the minister’s first (and only, for now) TikTok video has amassed over 223,900 views and 12,000 likes.

In the comments section, many Singaporeans welcomed him to the platform enthusiastically, and even Uncle Raymond left a comment wishing him “Good Morning” as well. (Which maybe, just maybe, signals a possible collaboration sometime in the future?)

Others also asked for him to do the “Uncle Raymond dance”, while one Tiktok user even left a comment directly requesting a collaboration with the minister.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@k_shanmugam)