S’pore Blue Tarantula: Marvel at the Biggest Spider in Singapore

Last Updated on 2023-06-08 , 2:07 pm

In the world of arachnids, the Singapore Blue Tarantula is a well-regarded species.

This distinctive big spider Singapore is known for is often the topic of interest due to its peculiar blue legs. But there’s more to this big blue spider that will make your spine tingle.

For those who fear cockroaches due to their creepy, fast nature, this Singapore tarantula story might be a thrilling read.

The Singapore Blue Tarantula, in comparison, is even more fascinating and can be perceived as somewhat unnerving.

Unveiling the Singapore Blue Tarantula

Proudly bearing its origin in its name, the Singapore Blue Tarantula is a native arachnid to Singapore and Malaysia.

This Singapore tarantula is famous for its long, thick blue legs and rapid movements. This species, also known as the Singapore Blue, measures up to a colossal 23 cm, placing it among the world’s largest spiders.

To get a clearer picture of this Singapore-born spider, you might want to see a high-resolution image of it.

Image: Wikipedia

Once you get a glimpse of its blue hue, you’ll see why it has earned such fame.

The Singapore Blue Spider: An Unsettling Roommate?

The prospect of having one of these creatures in your Singapore HDB can indeed be unnerving.

Even though some enthusiasts may choose to keep this Singapore Blue Spider as a pet due to its unique colour, it’s crucial to note that it’s quite an aggressive species with a deep-seated dislike for human interaction.

A video of a Singapore Blue Tarantula in action can be a good illustration of just how big this tarantula Singapore is renowned for can get.

The Nightly Activities of the Biggest Spider in Singapore

Being nocturnal creatures, these spiders are active at night, preying on small creatures like cockroaches, mice and even birds.

Post feeding, their abdomen can swell up to twice its original size, making this biggest spider in Singapore appear even larger.

The Singapore Blue Tarantula, while equipped with venom for defensive purposes, isn’t typically harmful unless there’s an allergic reaction involved.

However, it’s worth noting that they are solitary creatures with a strong aversion to human contact.

The Rarity of the Singapore Tarantula

Despite the fear they may incite, these creatures are extremely rare. Finding one could be as unlikely as our colleague Leon finding a girlfriend.

While they reside in Singapore, the chances of them making an appearance in your room are slim, although not entirely impossible, much like our colleague Leon finding love.

If you ever encounter one, don’t reach for the bug spray immediately. Instead, grant them their space. If it becomes necessary, carefully capture them in a container and release them back into the wild.

This way, you contribute to the conservation of the fascinating Singapore Blue Tarantula.