S’pore-Registered BMW Hit Johor Prince’s Car in JB & Was Called Out By the Prince

If there’s one thing that all drivers probably try their best to avoid while they’re on the road, it’s hitting into someone else’s car.

Especially if the car belongs to royalty, or if you’re overseas.

But in this case, it seems like the driver of a Singapore-registered BMW has landed into both of these scenarios across the causeway in Malaysia.

Johor Prince’s Instagram Post of Singapore-Registered Car Hitting His Honda

Just yesterday (1 August), Johor Prince Tunku Idris Iskandar Sultan Ibrahim took to Instagram to share that his Honda had been hit by a BMW with a Singapore-registered licence plate.

He included an image of the side of his white car which was obviously damaged, and wrote “Attitude.” in Malay as the caption of his post.

CCTV Footage Showed Prince’s Honda “Shake”

Apart from the proof that his car had been damaged, the Johor Prince also included a short video clip of CCTV footage that captured the BMW coming into contact with his car.

The footage, which was recorded right outside a bakery in Johor Bahru, featured the prince’s white Honda parked on the left side of the narrow road in a parallel parking spot.

According to the footage, the BMW driver wanted to take the empty parking lot on the right of the road.

However, when attempting to park his car, the CCTV footage showed that he scraped against the Honda while doing so.

The Honda was seen shaking after being scuffed by the BMW, and the shake was so noticeable that a man passing by turned to look at the scene.

The BMW driver then proceeded to get out of his car before moving to the front of the prince’s car in an unfazed manner.

He was also seen to have walked past the Honda’s side before he left the scene.

Other than the image of his damaged car and the clip of the CCTV footage, the prince also posted a photo of the car that had hit him, which appears to be a grey BMW car with a Singapore-registered licence plate.

Police Report Made, Prince’s Car is One of Four Such Cars in Malaysia

And if you think that this couldn’t get any worse, it can.

Utusan Malaysia reported on 1 August that there are only four Honda cars of the same model as the Johor Prince in Malaysia, including the one that the prince owns.

The car, which costs RM210,000 (approximately S$65,505), also runs fully on electricity.

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Raub Selamat, the District Police Chief in Johor Bahru, also confirmed that a police report has been filed at the Johor Bahru South District Police Headquarters Traffic Branch.

Investigations are currently ongoing.

The chief then shared that the authorities are currently waiting for the results of the investigation before they decide on the actions that they will take.

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Featured Image: Instagram (@tunku_idris)