3 Singapore Cars on Woodlands-JB Causeway Told to Turn Back for Misusing Bus Lane


Practically everyone knows that queueing is a “national sport” in Singapore.

People queue up for famous food places, to buy Taylor Swift concert tickets and to grab a limited edition McGriddles hoodie.

However, when it comes to queueing to cross the Causeway either by car or by foot, people can’t seem to stand it.

For drivers, this may tempt them into using the bus lane (which cars are not supposed to use).

It is a high-risk-high-reward venture as using the bus lane means the car can beat the queue though the car risks going to the back of the line if the traffic police catch them.

For three cars who tried to cut queue, it was not a gamble that paid off.

Here is what happened to the cars that were told to turn back.

A Singapore Car Was Told to Turn Back on the Woodlands-JB Causeway

With the borders reopening and cars plying the Causeway between Woodlands and Johor Bahru (JB), long queues are the norm.

A post on the ROADS.sg Facebook group earlier this year showed what happened to the three Singapore cars that decided to be cheeky and use the bus lane instead of the lane for cars.

In the video, which appears to be the dashboard camera footage of a car that was in the car lane, traffic police directed a black car to make a U-turn and head back in the direction it came from.

The car was in the rightmost lane reserved for buses and lorries.

Image: Facebook (ROADS.sg)

The driver obediently made a U-turn without any fuss.

Two Other Cars Were Called Out by the Traffic Police Later On

The video then switched to the camera showing the traffic behind the vehicle.

Featured Image: Facebook (ROADS.sg)

From this angle, at least two cars can be seen in the bus lane on the left.

Unsurprisingly, both these cars made a U-turn back to where they came from, presumably on orders from the traffic police.


Again, neither of these car drivers made a fuss.

We suppose they had a feeling this would happen when they saw the traffic police standing there.

For those unaware, the Causeway has a lane reserved for buses and lorries to minimise the chances of these larger vehicles being caught in a jam.

Cars which are caught abusing and misusing the reserved lane will be told to turn back to where they came from and join the back of the queue.