New Survey Shows That S’pore Spends More Time Online Than Sleeping

If you know Singaporeans, you know we love our sleep.

And online time.

But most of us wouldn’t bat an eye if I said that we said that we spend more time asleep than on the web, because sleeping’s the activity that takes up most of our time, right?

Well, that’s wrong.

According to a survey recently conducted by virtual private network (VPN) provider NordVPN, Singaporeans spend an average of 27 years and one day of their lives online, a little more than the global average of 25 years, 10 months, and 21 days.

Which translates to around one-third of our lives.

On a weekly basis, we spend around 54 hours and 20 minutes online.

In comparison, a global sleep survey by Philips last year found that Singaporeans sleep for an average of six hours and 48 minutes per night, which translates to 47 hours and 36 minutes every week.

That means that we’re spending almost seven more hours on the internet than we do on our sleep, which doesn’t sound at much at first, until you realise how many movies you can watch in that period of time.

Other Countries’ Performance

However, despite the staggering 54 hours a week we spend on the Internet as a nation, you’ll probably be thankful to know that we’re not the nation with the highest amount of Internet use.

Singapore ranks seventh when data is measured as a total out of our lives and ninth when the data is measured on a weekly basis, behind countries such as Brazil and Australia.

As for Asia, Korea takes the lead with an average of 34 years spent on the Internet, while Taiwan follows closely behind with 33 years.

On the other hand, Japan clocked the least amount of time online in the entire world, with just 11 years, four months, and 13 days.

What We Spend Time on While We’re on the Internet

The survey also revealed the activities that we engage in during a typical week, as well as the amount of time we spend on them.

And here’s the breakdown: We spend 18 hours on work, seven on watching videos through applications such as YouTube, six on streaming TV shows and films through media streaming platforms, and five on social media channels.

We also spend three hours listening to music, two doing online shopping, another two making video calls, and one hour on games like Fortnite or Minecraft.

So I guess it’s still fair to say that we’re doing our jobs well lah, given that we spend the majority of our time online working.

Of course, this is just an average gauge for a typical Singaporean. I’m pretty sure the entire day you spent cooped up in your room playing your Nintendo Switch amounted to more than an hour.

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Daniel Markuson, a digital privacy expert at NordVPN also shared that 40% will oblige when asked to share sensitive information for Internet access.

The survey concluded that some of the most frequently disclosed details include full names (68.4%), date of birth (63.5%), full address (53.3%), relationship status (35.7%), job title (35.5%), likes and dislikes (18.4%) and bank details (16.3%).

Of course, it doesn’t mean that we’re completely unaware of how exposing certain personal information may affect us.

Markuson also highlighted that Singaporeans were willing to give up certain things in life to have their information permanently deleted from the Internet.

Well, I’m not sure what you thought would top the list, but the survey found that the three most common things people would give up were drinking alcohol (31.5%), playing video games (28.8%), or playing sports (22.4%).

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Featured Image: Tero Vesalainen /