Singapore Poly To Launch First ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI)’ Diploma Programme Next Year

Can you imagine a world full of artificial intelligence(AI)? When all mundane tasks can just be handed over to a machine to handle?  

Well, pretty soon, you won’t have to imagine it because that is exactly the direction that Singapore is heading towards.

Image: Giphy

In fact, there is a new diploma course in Singapore Polytechnic launched on Friday, 18 October, that prepares students for exactly this. 

The Straits Times reported that the course was launched during a showcase of AI containing projects a few days ago and it promises to teach the 80 students in their first batch more about applied artificial intelligence and analytics. 

Image: Vulcan Post

What’s New? 

While there are courses like this already being offered, these courses were usually taken by adults who have already completed their undergraduate studies. 

With this new course, students will be able to gain insights on how to apply AI and analytics to other markets like commerce, business and finance at a young age.

Get A Certificate From SUTD

In addition, Singapore Polytechnic also has a partnership with the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), which will exempt students with this diploma from certain modules in SUTD’s ModularMasters in Data Science Programme. 

This ModularMasters programme is mostly for adults who do not have a basic degree but have plenty of working experience in the relevant fields. 

Students studying this course will be able to receive credits for completing some modules here and get a certificate from SUTD at the end of the programme. 

Being able to kill two birds with one stone and get two certificates from finishing just one diploma? Shiok.

Image: Giphy

Why Are They Having This Module?

Is this module useful for students? And if it is, how so? 

Singapore Polytechnic’s Principal Soh Wai Wah commented on the increasing need in the AI sector for people to fill up jobs in data analytics and machine learning engineering. 

Singapore Polytechnic thus offered this course in order to help students gain the skills required for these high-in-demand jobs.

This is not Singapore Polytechnic’s only efforts to push their students in the right direction towards a more digital future. 

The school also offers plenty of full-time and part-time courses for working adults to help equip the Singapore workforce with skills needed to bring Singapore forward in the Technological industry.

In short, like it or not, AI will slowly but surely become an integral part of all of our daily lives, especially as Singapore is progressing towards becoming a Smart Nation. 

We can either hop on the AI bandwagon early and pick up the necessary skills to understand it now or struggle to grasp the concept of it in the future. 

Image: Giphy

If you are interested to find out more of the courses Singapore Poly offered, you can check it out here