SingPost Claims Postman Waited Before Giving Collection Slip & Netizens Relate Their Experiences

Lest you’ve no idea what the headline’s all about, you might want to read this, or simply go to our app daily so you won’t miss out on any article.

So for the benefit of some who die-die don’t want to read our previous article, here’s what happened: Andy Lau missed his parcel.

And no, we’re not talking about the heavenly king Andy Lau missing his OSIM Massage Chair—we’re talking about this Andy Lau.

Long story cut short, Andy claimed that postman knocked a few times and went off, leaving him with the dreaded collection slip.

He rushed down to find the postman and noticed that the parcel was on the bike instead, implying that the postman hadn’t even taken the effort to bring his parcel up.

Well, SingPost has replied, thanks to Mothership.SG’s query.

SingPost’s Side of the Story

SingPost has since sent a statement to Mothership.SG explaining what happened that fateful day:

  • Postman did bring the package up
  • Postman waited for at least 45 seconds after knocking on door (that’s supposedly the procedure)
  • Postman then slid collection note
  • Postman went back to his bike to put the package on his bike and took another lift to another unit that is not accessible by the lift that goes to Andy’s flat
  • Postman did not know how to explain the situation to Andy as he is not fluent in English

Now, here’s a fact: there are indeed HDB flats that have several lifts, and each lift services certain units. Therefore, it makes perfect sense for the postman to have placed the parcel back to the bike.

However, of course, there’s just one you-say-she-say issue: Andy claims the postman goes off after a few seconds, but SingPost states that the postman waited for 45 seconds.

Because this is Andy Lau of Singapore and no Andy Lau of Hong Kong, there’s no behind-the-scene tapes so we’ll have to leave it at that.

But if you’ve read the comments, you’d notice that quite a few people have had the same experience.

Netizens Spoke About their Own Experience

On the day the first article was out, we asked people in the office if they’ve had this experience. Most of them shop online, but they’re only familiar with Ninja Van or Qxpress.

“SingPost? They got send parcel one meh?” one young fellow even said that.

On the online world, it’s a different story altogether: not only are they familiar with SingPost, they’re familiar with the situation.

Image: Facebook (Goody Feed)

However, it seems like it all depends on the postman.

Good Postmen

Like what a wise man used to say, “When you deliver excellent service, no one talks about you online. When you’re late for one second, everyone complains online.”

However, it seems like it’s not that true as there are still people praising their postmen:

Moral of the story? It’s not the company; it’s the individual.

If you sway sway kena a bad postman, too bad: be prepared to queue up and collect your parcel.