Non-NUS Student Filmed Woman In Toilet & Police Posted His Image Online; His Father Brought Him In Instead

I know what you’re thinking. Another case of violation of modesty… again?!

Image: Giphy

But don’t worry, amidst all the online drama about the NUS molester and how apparently, good grades now kinda give you the green light to commit minor intrusions… This story is not going to drive you up a wall.

On 26 September, Muhammad Nur Haiqel Shazali, aged 16, was sentenced to 21 months of split probation. This means that Haiqel will be staying at the Singapore Boys’ Hostel for a year, and would also have to commit to 160 hours of community service.

Now, this sounds about right. If you’re contemplating whether this was a case of a minor or major intrusion, we’ll let you decide. Here are the details.

Image: Four Square

What Happened

Haiqel saw a 20-year-old woman enter the toilet in Anchorvale Community Club, and he followed her in.

He then used his mobile phone to record a video of her while she was relieving herself. However, he hit his hand against the toilet door, which made the victim notice him.

She screamed, and of course, he fled.

But CCTV footages caught his face, which the police used in their online posting, seeking public assistance for more information.

Haiqel’s father recognised that it was his son, and was the one who brought his son to the Sengkang Neighbourhood Police Centre.

Image: Meme Generator

Haiqel also stole a bottle of vodka from a supermarket in Anchorvale Road. He has since made a full payment of $29 for that.

On 13 August, Haiqel pleaded guilty in court to the charge of insulting the modesty of a woman, and another charge for theft-in-dwelling.

District Judge Eddy Tham also took into consideration that Haiqel had been given conditional warnings before, which contributed to the decision he made in the final sentencing.

Way to go District Judge Tham!

Image: Meme Generator

Positive Probation Suitability Report

District Judge Tham also spoke to Haiqel’s parents, sharing that the probation suitability report showed that their ways of disciplining Haiqel were ineffective. His parents were ordered to go through training.

Haiqel’s parents are bonded for $5,000 in ensuring his good behaviour.

Haiqel will be returning to court next year to attend a progress accountability court review. District Judge Tham hopes this review will be a positive one.

Not sure if this is a major or minor intrusion, but this sentence for a 16-year-old, does sound like a heavier sentencing than 21 months of supervised probation and 150 hours of community service.

Maybe his academic results aren’t goody, though he has a damn ethical father.

Then again, we’re not the judge here, are we?

Image: Giphy