Former Mediacorp Actress Sora Ma Suddenly Announced That She’s Getting Married

The circuit breaker was a real test on whether we had enough love to stand them for 24/7 or that we couldn’t be happier to be away from them for a month.

Big oof to those in the second group.

But for former Mediacorp actress Sora Ma, she decided that Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) was the time to break the news that she was getting married—after hiding her engagement from the public for two years, no less.

Wedding Bells Ring

On Tuesday (8 Jun), the celebrity took to Instagram and posted a picture of her engagement ring alongside a bouquet of roses. With the caption reading “Wedding news”, it was pretty obvious what the post was all about.

As if she were leaving a review, she wrote about her relationship with her fiancé, giving it five stars. LOL.

The couple had met on 29 April in 2012, through a mutual friend after the Star Awards in the same year, and fell in love in 2013.

In her interview with 8days, Sora revealed that he is a Singaporean businessman and is eight years older than her.

Initially, she felt the need to separate her public and private life, thus keeping her relationship a secret. Neither did she want to affect him since he wasn’t a public figure.

“As for why we decided to finally go public, I think I needed to be fair to him and his family. He’s been very understanding and only told his closest friends and family, but I think it’s time I made things official,” she said.

Apparently, no one (well, apart from friends) knew she had gotten engaged two years ago, giving everyone a shock. The video in her post was not at all recent!

Sora mentioned that her fiancé managed to get in contact with her primary school friend and best friend from Hong Kong, who flew into Singapore and could be heard in that short clip.

According to 8world, he had booked a hotel room and lied to her that a filming event would take place, gathering her close friends for the proposal.

While her family is in Malaysia and cannot travel to Singapore, her mother hopes that she can register her marriage in Singapore first, then hold the wedding in Malaysia when possible.

Sora noted that her mother “isn’t very traditional” and was totally ok with none of her family members being present for the solemnisation.

The couple is thinking of registering their marriage this year.

One Ring To Rule Them All

In her Instagram post, Sora also showed off her nerdier side, being ecstatic with her Lord of The Rings-inspired ring.

Expressing that it was her favourite movie franchise, she highlighted how her fiancé went to “so many jewellers in Singapore to custom make this ring since he wanted to inscribe it with Elvish words [like The One Ring].”

Wow, king behaviour.

Though a little unfortunate that the ring size was not right, this was obviously a very sweet gesture. Wishing the two lots of love and happiness in the future!

Featured Image: Instagram (@soramayx)