Now, SPF Also Has an Imran: A Clothed Version of Mocca Man


It may finally be time for you to surrender your throne, Imran.

On 29 Sep, Geylang NPC posted an update on its Facebook page.

“Need to lodge a report but short on time?” the caption read. “Rushing somewhere, and have no time to wait? Let Staff Sergeant Fadhly from Geylang NPC teach you how you can skip the queue!”

“Click on the various photos to learn more about our queue skipping tips,” they added.

At first glance, the post may not garner exceptional attention. After all, it’s, for lack of a better phrase, just another routine, conventional post.

But after looking at the photos, one can tell that it’s not just another post.

Rather, it’s one that brings to life a classic phrase:

“Check out my matching pipes!”

Now, SPF Also Has an Imran: A Clothed Version of Mocca Man

Gauging from the caption of the post, Staff Sergeant Fadhly seems to be many things: helpful, knowledgeable, prim and of course, proper.

After looking at the pictures, however, one can’t help but feel that Fadhly also has another prominent trait:

Massive guns.

Image: Facebook page (Geylang NPC)

Yes folks, this person right here is none other Staff Sergeant Fadhly, or as my boss calls him, a clothed version of the Mocca man.

Decked out in a fitting white polo tee, with the police logo emblazoned across the chest area, Fadhly could be seen rocking a pair of massive guns as he taught us how we can skip the queue (to file a police report).

Even as a straight male, I couldn’t help but gawk at that gigantic bicep peak, as it seemed to wave hi at me.


One also can’t help but feel that Fadhly would give Captain America a serious run for his money.

Remember that helicopter scene? Well, Fadhly has one-upped the game.

To date, the post has garnered over 1.1K shares, and has attracted a cool 1.2K likes & reactions.

Truly, Fadhly’s “helpfulness” knows no bounds.


You can view the full post down below:


If you’re familiar with all the Imran comments from previous times, well…

You won’t be disappointed by the netizens this time around either.

One Netizen, for instance, wondered whether Fadhly had special access to the armoury.

And Geylang NPC gamely replied.


“SSGT Fadhly’s arms are always with him,” they replied with a wink.

Some netizens also didn’t fail to notice the stark comparisons between the post and a classic TV advertisement:

Best of luck, Fadhly.

The nation’s expecting great things from you.


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Featured Image: Facebook (Geylang NPC)