S’pore ‘Clinic’ That Promises to Stop People from Becoming Gay Appears to be Something Else Instead

On Monday (1 August), a video documenting the exterior of what appears to be a conversion clinic went viral on TikTok, garnering over 257k views.

If you don’t know what a conversion clinic is, it’s supposedly a place for conversion therapy—where “professionals” try to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity. In a nutshell, it’s to stop people from being gay.

The clinic appeared to be still under works with trash bags outside. There was also a sign up showing the name of the clinic’s doctor “Dr Son. S. Hoe”, as well as their therapy price list.

Image: TikTok (@liveleaveleef)

Consultations are “$50 per 15 mins”, and a session of conversion therapy would cost you “$300 per hour”, but “$555 for 2 hours” if you went for the extended version.

What a steal.

Netizens were Outraged

Needless to say, this ticked off more than a few people.

“Wth. How is this even allowed?!?!” the user who posted the video wrote.

“There’s a reason why there are trash outside the door,” another commented.

Other users were quick to speculate that it looks like either an art installation or some sort of prank.

Image: TikTok (@liveleaveleef)

One user had other ideas for what kind of service the clinic would provide:

“Finally a place i can convert my words to pdf 🙏🏼,” they wrote.

The Clinic’s Actual Business Was Revealed

No, it turns out this was not the work of the people over at the 377A Town Hall Discussions like you might be thinking.

It’s actually an “LGBT-friendly” speakeasy bar located in Neil Road.

After allowing netizens to speculate for days on the clinic’s legitimacy, one of the owners and pseudo-doctors of the Neil Road clinic-bar, Jasper Goh, has since come forth to explain what the space actually is about.

In a series of Instagram stories he posted, Goh confirmed that the space is a “an LGBT friendly restaurant/bar that will be a safe space” for “curious kids and adults alike” to have fun without “any judgement nor fear.”

Instagram: @jaspergoh42

He went on to explain that conversion therapy has been shown to be “completely useless” in trying to change LGBT individuals in their sexual and gender orientation, which is why the entrepreneur decided to use this name as a statement piece to brand the bar.

Instagram: @jaspergoh42

Titus Low Vandalises The Clinic in a Fit of Rage

Well, this publicity stunt definitely got them the attention they were after.

But not before some damage to the bar’s exterior went down.

TikTok: @tituslow

Singapore influencer Titus Low caught wind of the controversial clinic and decided to vandalise the exterior with some spray paint.

His work read, “Fxxk you – Titus” in neon pink.

He subsequently posted the video of him doing this onto his TikTok account, which garnered its fair share of views and likes as well.

Well, some people called the police on him as they deemed his actions as potentially a violation of the law.

He has since come out on Instagram to clarify that he is aware of the clinic’s true business, and stated that he will be contributing to the business’s endeavours as an advocate.

Neil Conversion Clinic has also since come forth to state that they were aware of Titus’ actions, and deemed it as merely an act of publ—I mean, “decorating”.

Instagram (@tituslow)
Instagram: @jaspergoh42

The bar has yet to announce its official opening date, so be sure to look out for it via their Instagram page.

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Featured Image: Tiktok (@liveleaveleef) & Neil Conversion Clinic