History Shows That During This Circuit Breaker Period, S’poreans Might Make More Babies

Last Updated on 2020-04-30 , 11:43 pm

When a couple is confined at home for weeks on end with nothing to do, there’s only one thing on their minds:

A long, drawn-out game of Monopoly.

But if they can’t find their Monopoly board, then there’s only one other thing that will satisfy them:

A long, drawn-out Netflix binge-watching session.

But if they happen to get tired of Netflix after a while, only one thing remains:

Some good old hanky-panky.

History Shows That During This Circuit Breaker Period, S’poreans Might Make More Babies

Forget candles, light music, and HBO TV shows, there’s nothing like a pandemic to get you in the mood.

Due to an increase in coronavirus infections, the Singapore government implemented more extreme measures recently, closing schools and workplaces, and advising people to stay indoors as much as possible.

This could lead to a baby boom next year, says one expert.

Commenting on the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia, Dr Hamizah Mohd Hassan, the Head of the Reproductive Health Unit, said that the MCO could influence the country’s birth rate by early next year as the majority of married couples are now confined during the period.

Similarly, with many couples stuck at home in Singapore, an increase in hanky-panky session could lead to an increase in the country’s birth rate next year.

But she’s not making this prediction based on an assumption that couples will get it on like a wanton more during the lockdowns; this trend was observed in the past.

1998 Snowstorms in USA

In 1998, when 90s kids were doing 90s things, there was a bad snowstorm in two American states: Maine and New Hampshire.

As a result, the two states had to be on lockdown and residents were confined in their houses for a long period of time.

Nine months later, both states experienced a baby boom.

“A similar situation might happen in Malaysia as the people have to stay at home throughout the MCO period”, Dr Hamizah said.


Dr Hamizah also encouraged couples to practice family planning through methods such as taking emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) and wearing protection to prevent pregnancy.

As World of Buzz reports, family planning may be wise because having a baby next year could present financial difficulties, as the economy could still be recovering from the pandemic.

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So, carry on with your hanky-panky, but please be safe.

Reader: But what if danger is my middle name and I like taking risks?

Then you should stay outdoors, keep your office open, and dine-in at eateries; there’s nothing more dangerous than breaking the law, right? We’ll also do you a favour by publishing your names and images online since you love risk.

Reader: Uh nevermind, I think I’ll just stick to safe hanky-panky.