S’pore Family Has To Live Like Bird Box Because Of Nightmare Neighbour

Bird Box is an amazing Netflix Original movie that has fans all around the world.

But living it, on the other hand, isn’t so fun.

Image: variety.com

Imagine a world where kids cannot shout and have fun, and you have to tiptoe around your own house in fear.

Where you have to be quiet or the big bad monster will come for you next. If you think this isn’t really possible in real life, think again.

Because a family in Singapore is living this life.

Neighbour Moves In

Two months ago, a Singapore family had someone new move into the unit next to them in Circuit Road.

And that was when their nightmare started.

If the neighbour hears any noises from their unit, he’ll pound on the wall separating the two homes.

According to the housewife, Ada, anything from talking to the turning on of lights will trigger his manic episodes.

Living Like Bird Box

So the family had to resort to living in fear of the pounding they’ll receive if they make so much as a squeak.

They had to tiptoe around in their own home and converse in whispers. Ada had to choose to go to the toilet in the dark as well because, well, turning on the light is loud.

And you know what that means.

Neighbour Pounds Almost Every Night

The pounding episodes could happen as many as twenty times in a single night.

“He does it almost every night. Sometimes he does it until morning.”

And the family has three young kids at home who are always shocked awake by his pounding in the middle of the night.

Ada had once asked him why he did that, and he claimed it was because they were “noisy”.

The family has lodged a police report and gotten in touch with relevant authorities.

They’ve even gotten signatures from their neighbours to prove that the family themselves weren’t noisy when the neighbour gets triggered.

Will Their Nightmare End?

So you’re thinking, police called, end of the story. 

Nope, don’t be so sure.

Because being a bad neighbour isn’t an arrestable offence.

Calling the cops on hellish neighbours didn’t help the poor lady in Tampines and it sure as hell didn’t help the 6 households who had to move out in Punggol.

What’s the Solution with Neighbours from Hell?

If you’ve lived in this world long enough, you’d know that bastards and bitches live amongst us, and if you’re unfortunate enough to live beside them, then here’s what you should do based on HDB’s website:

Talk to Them: I’ll just skip this because if your neighbours are B&B, you’ll have high blood pressure from talking to them

Mediation: You can seek help from grassroots leaders or from a Community Mediation Centre, whereby someone (a third party) would help to solve the problem.

Tribunal: Well, the name itself sounds scary enough, because it is: it’s legal recourse, and it should be used as the last resort. You can apply for a court order like injunction (An order for your neighbour to stop doing something) or if you have a crazily high ego, an apology (An order for your neighbour to apologise to you).

Well, either way, I hope the family can stop living like Bird Box anymore. Because as we all know, most people didn’t have a happy ending in Bird Box.