Annual McDonald’s Report Reveal That S’pore Has Third Highest Daily McDelivery Orders

How many of us love McDonald’s?

Image: Giphy

It’s the thing we look forward to when we were a kid and the comfort food that we eat when we just feel like getting a burger. It’s also the perfect way to fill your tummy when it’s growling in the middle of the night for supper.

Plus, with McDelivery, it’s so much easier to get your favourite food right to you without you even having to leave the house.

So if you’re someone who orders McDelivery frequently, did you know that Singapore is actually third in the world for having the highest number of McDelivery orders in a day?


According to the 2019 Global McDelivery Records (yes, it’s a thing), we are currently third right behind China and Pakistan.

3rd For Most Deliveries In 1 Day

A large screen in a McDonald’s outlet in Bandung, Indonesia showcases the records for everyone to see whenever they head in to buy some food. And a photo of the screen was shared on Twitter by user @AmberRShamsi.

Image: Twitter (@AmberRShamsi)

As you can see from the screen, Singapore’s Sun Plaza received a whopping 1,218 McDelivery orders in a day. And we made that record on 27 July 2019, a Saturday.

Image: Street Directory

Despite there being other much bigger countries, we still managed to clinch top three, which really says a lot about how much we all love McDonald’s, right?

Image: Giphy

Pakistan was able to win first place, with one of their outlets receiving 2,405 orders! And China took second place with 1,526 orders, which is 384 orders more than us.

Can you imagine how busy they must have been?

6th For Most Deliveries In 1 Hour

While we didn’t manage to get into the top three for most deliveries per hour, we were still able to take the 6th place with 109 orders, surpassing countries like Portugal, Indonesia, Russia, Spain and the UAE.

And can you guess which outlet had the most orders?

Yep, it’s the outlet at Sun Plaza once again!

Image: Trip Advisor

Our Love For McDonald’s

Who would have thought that our love for McDonald’s could earn us a global ranking?

While it’s nice to have a meal from McDonald’s every once in a while, we should still exercise precaution because eating too much of it could make us unhealthy.

With that, cheers to McDonald’s!