S’pore Scientists Can Turn Unwanted Fats into Healing Gel in Groundbreaking Study

We all have the extra layer of fat that is stubborn and no matter how many sit-ups or squats we do, it just doesn’t seem to go away.

Image: simpsonsworld.com

Don’t go hating on that squishy area cause it might just come in handy in the near future.

You might be thinking what am I blabbering about.

I’ll just cut to the chase then.

Unwanted Fats Can Heal Up Wounds

The Straits Times reported on how Singapore scientists are in the works of using unwanted fats to heal up wounds.

Image: mashable.com

No, this is not a plot of a sci-fi fiction novel. It is actually happening in Singapore, NTU to be precise.

Assistant Professor Cleo Choong and her associates, have been studying fat tissue samples and extracting a particular substance that might help heal severe wounds without leaving a scar.

Imagine that.

What is that substance you might ask?

It is a protein and it is called ANGPTL4, found mostly in fat tissues and placenta.

Image: wikipedia.org

Before you start thinking whose fats are they using, it is actually from a plastic surgeon named Marcus Wong.

His liposuction patients have generously agreed to donate their unwanted fats for this ground-breaking research.

Project leader, Associate Professor Andrew Tan and his team have been researching on this protein for the last ten years.

And the results are promising.

The protein helps to reduce the effect of Scleraxis, a gene that makes collage fibres in healing wounds to line up parallel to one another, causing it to be more visible.

One of the reasons why you are sometimes left with an unsightly scar.

DAMN YOU, Scleraxis!

So when the (superhero) protein—ANGPTL4 is present, the collagen forms a mesh of fibres that make the scar less visible. It also stimulates cell movement to help close the wound and promote blood vessel formation.

It easily mixes with other materials, enabling them to come up with a healing gel.

They have already started experimenting it on mice, and those who have been introduced to ANGPTL4 have healed about twice as fast and for diabetic mice, wounds healed about three times faster.

The researchers are still trying to refine their products and they estimated that it will take about five years for it to be commercially available.

This will be helpful, especially for burn victims, diabetics, and surgery patients.

So when will they invent the machine that made Captain America muscular?

Image: lowbrowcomics.com

But what my colleague, Boon Hun, really wants to know is if he can donate his unwanted fats to the study for free. (Read: free liposuction)


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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: straitstimes.com