Starbucks S’pore is Selling a Drink with Pearls & Jelly Yogurt

Starbucks isn’t always about its coffee.

In the fierce competition between Coffee Bean and Starbucks, Starbucks surely wins in their variety of drinks. Think about it — not only do they have seasonal drinks in a season-less Singapore, they tirelessly throw out new inventions.

Some of their inventions are a hit or miss, though.

That being said, the visuals of Starbucks drinks never fail to please (maybe it’s the power of the logo).

So it doesn’t come as a surprise to see Starbucks release more new drinks (three, at that); what is surprising is the novelty of it.

Namely the newcomer: Yuzu Honey Jelly Yogurt.


Okay, we all know that yogurt is healthy — if you check the ingredients list carefully and don’t buy those that are loaded with sugar.

In reality, healthy yogurt tastes the furthest thing from sweet. So before we delude ourselves that this new drink is healthy, I’d say that it probably is not.

Source: Gifer

Props to Starbucks for trying, though.


But that’s not what’s weird. Isn’t yogurt supposed to be for eating instead of drinking? Imagine drinking yogurt — does the thick consistency even allow for swallowing? What if the drink is actually a death attempt in the making?

The good news is that it’s actually not thick at all; it’s actually pretty smooth, according to reviews.

Now that one part of the novelty is solved, let’s move on to the other.

Yuzu Honey

Yuzu itself is akin to pomelo, and tastes pretty sour. Yuzu may be pretty rare in Singapore, but we actually do sell it — just not as the fruit itself. Instead, it is combined with honey (as with Starbucks) and comes in large jars called Korean citron tea.

If you’re a koreaboo and somehow don’t know of Korean citron tea — popular among Koreans — how? If the Koreans love it, you can bet that it has some magical effect to make their bodies slim and their skin flawless.

Source: Gfycat

Among many other benefits that yuzu honey gives, it helps in optimizing metabolism (what helps all the skinny people eat without getting fat) and maintaining healthy skin.

So maybe with a small dose of yuzu honey in your Starbucks drink, you can pray to wake up a changed person.

Originality aside, Starbucks has managed to clinch the prettiest drink award once again with Yuzu Honey Jelly Yogurt.

Source: Instagram

Price Point

The beauty definitely comes at a price, though. At $8.80 for a Grande, this new drink is probably an indulgence to go for if you’re craving something refreshing from Starbucks.

In other news, another interesting addition among the newcomers is the mixed berry with pomegranate pearls.

Mixed Berry With Pomegranate Pearls

Source: Facebook

I’m pretty sure Playmade invented different flavoured pearls, but Starbucks is now here to join the game.

But there is one major difference. Amazingly, the pomegranate pearls apparently don’t take after its ancestors in texture; instead, the pearls pop once you bite into it, exactly like pomegranate seeds.

It’s definitely cool, but that may be a drawback for those who love the chewiness of the pearls.

For those craving a different colour palette, Starbucks doesn’t disappoint with this drink either.

Source: Twitter

Just look at how the colours coming together perfectly — Starbucks is truly a master in this regard. Priced the same as their Yuzu Honey Jelly Yogurt, both are equally refreshing and novel in their own way.

Starbucks is unquestionably different from the plethora of milk tea stores in Singapore, but do the pomegranate pearls and yuzu jelly signal a new venture into pearls? It’ll certainly be fun to try pearls coupled with frappuccinos, after all.