SUTD Predicts COVID-19 Like Stock Market Traders; Says S’pore Will Peak on 5 May 2020

There’s one question on everybody’s minds:

When will Covid-19 end?

Previously, before Covid-19 became a pandemic, experts came out of the woodwork and said it’ll probably end in May.

But now, with asymptomatic transmission cases and more than 2.9 million confirmed cases, is that still true?

According to the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), it just might be.

SUTD Predicts COVID-19 Like Stock Market Traders; Says S’pore Will Peak on 5 May 2020

Why stock markets? Just take a look at their interface:

Image: SUTD

SUTD Data-Driven Innovation Lab created a site to provide “continuous predictive monitoring” of Covid-19 developments.

Their model derives data from different countries to estimate the pandemic life cycle curves and predict when it might end in different countries.

Because situations changed rapidly, the site is updated daily with the latest data so that the most accurate predictions can be made.


Image: SUTD

According to SUTD, the number of Covid-19 cases will peak on 5 May 2020. It’ll be 97% over by 3 June 2020 and completely gone by 7 August 2020.

Just in time for NDP.

The World

Image: SUTD

For the rest of the world, however, it will peak on 11 Apr 2020 and 97% over by 29 May 2020.

The Covid-19 pandemic will truly end (for the world) on 8 Dec 2020, their model estimates.

Use It As A Guideline Only

If their model holds true, we will see a shocking number in a bit more than a week’s time.

But then, the worst will be over and we’ll see a gentle decline.

Of course, they did mention earlier that their model is updated daily and the situation might change.

It was also pointed out that the content from their website is only for educational and research purposes and may contain errors.

But if people in Singapore were to continue with circuit breaker measures and not go out, or go out while obeying safe distancing measures, we might be able to see this McDonald’s come back (with safe distancing measures, of course) on 4 June 2020.

Image: Giphy