Sweet Elderly Auntie & Uncle Give Up Seats & Carry Couple’s Baby For Them In Thai Train


Hey everybody, it’s time to bring out the Stand Up Stacey in you! Yes, because Singaporeans need a reminder to stand up and give up their seats for those who are in need.

In fact, it has come to the point where people judge each other and shame those who simply refuse to give up their seats.

Of course, not everyone is like that and there are still many gracious people around.

And I’m glad it’s the same overseas.

Sweet Elderly Auntie & Uncle Give Up Seats & Carry Couple’s Baby For Them In Thai Train

A group of travellers were en route from Hatyai to Padang Besar, Perlis via train ride. However, the train that they were on was packed full of people.

This meant that there weren’t enough seats to go around and at least one couple was spotted carrying a toddler while standing, as there were no seats available for them or their child to sit on.

A group of Malaysian travellers, including an elderly auntie and uncle noticed what was happening. The kind auntie quickly gave up her seat to the woman.

The woman gratefully sat down while her husband carried their toddler.

Image: Facebook (Penang Kini)

The kind auntie is the lady who’s wearing a purple striped shirt.

The kind uncle sitting beside the auntie who gave up her seat then asked the couple if he could help them by carrying their toddler.

He then explained that he was worried that the child might hit his head against the low ceiling of the train.

How sweet! Not everyone would go out of their way for a stranger in need.

Image: Facebook (Penang Kini)

This is the kind uncle who offered to carry the toddler, and the child’s mother.

Living Together In Harmony

The uncle and auntie were quoted as saying, “It’s actually quite easy to live together in harmony, just that there are people who love to stir up racist stuff time after time.”

Indeed, they did not have to offer any help or even their seats, but they did anyway. It’s these little acts of kindness that make the world a better place.