Teen Posted Upskirt Screenshots of His Secondary School Teacher on Tumblr Due to Jealousy

When we were teenagers, I am sure we all have had our fair share of doing foolish mistakes.

Some of us may have purposely skipped school out of deviance through puberty, while others may forged our parent’s signatures on consent forms.

For this teen though, his rash act in the spur of the moment cost him an encounter with the law.

Teen Posted Upskirt Screenshots of His Secondary School Teacher on Tumblr Due to Jealousy

Around April and May in 2018, a teen uploaded numerous screenshots of upskirt videos of his school teacher. His schoolmates were the ones who filmed her, but the teenager was liable for further circulating them.

He edited the videos, creating several modifications before uploading them onto blogging website Tumblr.

However, he did not just stop there. The teen also wrote in his caption that these were upskirt photos of a secondary school teacher. The call to action was to ask others to reblog, like, and share them.

The victim lodged a police report on May 21 2019.

What was the reason for such an act, you may ask?

Simply put, jealousy. The teen was furious with his teacher for not displaying as much care and concern to him in Secondary 3 as compared to when he was in Secondary 3.

Unfortunately, those explicit materials which clearly showed the teacher’s face and workplace ultimately landed on the dark side of the web.

Pornographic websites.

Pleaded guilty in district court

Today (17 Dec), the now 17-year-old teenage boy has pleaded guilty in a district court. He had a single charge of disseminating obscene material.

That’s not all.

Two other similar charges will also be in deliberation for sentencing early next year.

Since the teen committed the crimes when he was under 18-years-old, his identity and school could not be revealed.

Lucky for the teen, Deputy Public Prosecutor Cheng did not object to the possibility of issuing probation to him. DPP Cheng said that it is probable that the teen acted out of pure spite.

After all, the teen was only 15 years old when he conducted the offence.

Lest you didn’t know, under section 11 of the Probation of Offenders Act, probation does not constitute a conviction. This means that the offence will not be reflected in your criminal record, therefore, the chances of employment or education will likely not be affected.

When District Judge asked the teen if he had anything to say, he stated that “I really hope you give me a chance to turn over a new leaf because I’m really doing well now, especially in school.”

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Featured Image: rafapress / Shutterstock.com