M’sian Teen Allegedly Died After Visiting Haunted House

When visiting a haunted house or getting on a roller coaster, there are certain restrictions before you enter. Some of them are height restrictions while other restrictions include health-related restrictions.

One of the most common health restrictions when it comes to “scary” attractions includes not allowing people that have high blood pressure or heart disease on the ride or in the attraction but sometimes, you just don’t know about these underlying conditions.

M’sian Teen Allegedly Died After Visiting Haunted House

On 1 Dec, a 16-year-old boy passed away in a popular tourist attraction in Bentong, Malaysia. He was enjoying the thrills of the haunted house with a close friend’s family before he suffered from a heart attack.

It was said that he collapsed suddenly in the haunted house and became unconscious instantly. He was then carried out of the haunted house into an open area.

Despite the commotion around him, he was unresponsive and his face was pale.

A three-minute video of the boy being carried out of the haunted house circulated widely on Facebook with over 244,000 views and 600 comments.

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Perforated Heart

According to the autopsy, the boy had a perforated heart. Heart perforation is a rare condition that can be fatal.

Bentong District Police Chief, Superintendent Zaiham Mohd Kahar, classified the boy’s death as sudden death.

His body has been sent to his area of residence at Melaka, Malaysia.

Who Should Not Visit Haunted Houses?

In case you’re not aware, it’s advisable that people with a heart condition, epilepsy, asthma, high blood pressure, or are pregnancy and/or have other medical conditions that may be triggered during their visit should not visit a haunted house.

For the safety of the workers, people who are prone to violence during a fight or flight response should not visit the attraction as well.

People who suffer from nightmares or have difficulties sleeping should prevent haunted houses as well unless they do not mind staying awake for a few nights.

Of course, there will not be people at every haunted house grilling you and checking your medical details before allowing you in the haunted houses so it is important that you keep yourself in check and know your limits.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Mr Wan Cai Official)