Telegram Chat Groups Are Used as an Online Illegal Drug Marketplace in S’pore

When Telegram first emerged, it marketed itself as a safe and secure app. But over time, it has become associated with some rather shady activities.

No one can forget the SG Nasi Lemak group, where users shared explicit content of women without their consent. It also tainted the good name of Nasi Lemak.

During lockdowns, some users on Telegram had also offered carpool services even though it was not permitted.

Now, it seems that it has become something of an online marketplace for illegal drugs.

Telegram Chat Groups Are Used as an Online Illegal Drug Marketplace in S’pore

The Straits Times reported allegations that the messaging app has at least 20 chat groups selling drugs and drug paraphernalia to customers in Singapore. Each group had between 300 and 700 members.

The illicit drugs listed in these groups included methamphetamine, cannabis, and ecstasy. Drug paraphernalia was also reportedly on sale there.

Yes, it seems that those who had previously looked for illegal drugs on the streets have now moved to Telegram because of the anonymity and convenience it affords.

This is how transactions are carried out:

  1. Customers place orders in a group chat
  2. They make payments through internet banking or PayNow
  3. The orders are either collected at the seller’s collection point, or delivered to the customer for an additional fee of between S$20 and S$25

Delivery Methods

Of course, these sellers have to find a way to conceal their illicit drugs, lest they raise suspicions.

This is why some sellers hide their drugs behind pipes, while others keep theirs wrapped in paper, cigarette packs, or shopping bags. Some have even disguised it as an instant noodle snack.

One seller who spoke to ST says he makes S$1,000 to S$2,000 a week, and that his supply comes from Johor Bahru.

Arrests All Over The World For Telegram Drug Peddlers 

It turns out that Singapore isn’t the only country where drug peddlers are turning to Telegram.

The authorities in several countries in Europe, including Germany and the Netherlands, have shut down similar Telegram chat groups due to suspected illegal drug activities.

60 people were arrested last year in Australia for selling illicit drugs on the messaging app.

Lower Arrests For Drug Purchases

Interestingly, the number of arrests for drug purchases in Singapore fell last year – from 302 in 2019 to 287 in 2020.

However, the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) has reported a spike in contraband cases.

In one case in March, a parcel declared as “medicine” from Vietnam was later found to contain several illicit drugs, such as diazepam, fentanyl, and codeine phosphate.

At the time, a spokesman for the Central Narcotics Bureau said drug offenders who think they can evade the authorities are “seriously mistaken”.

Based on how efficient CNB is, I’d take them at their word.

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Featured Image: Tinnakorn jorruang/