Japan Theme Park Bosses Demonstrate How to Take Rides Without Screaming

Here’s a quick question: Can you stop yourself from screaming when taking a roller coaster ride?

Image: Giphy

Well, apparently, it can be done.

How It Came About

In Japan, Covid-19 cases are dropping and many businesses are eager to get back into business, including theme parks.

However, they want a way to safely reopen for business, even for roller coaster rides.

That was when Japanese Amusement Parks start asking customers not to scream while on rides.

Which makes sense, since Covid-19 is spread via aerosol droplets, not screaming can cut down on Covid-19 transmission.

Image: memegenerator.net

But there’s one potential problem.

Tokyo Disneyland and Universal Studios both support this initiative (naturally) since they don’t have really scary rides.

But what about this roller coaster ride at Yamanashi Prefecture amusement park Fuji-Q Highland?

Image: Japan Guide
Image: Giphy

Standing at 79 metres, this roller coaster is the 8th tallest in the world and the fifth-longest ride in the entire world full of drops, swerves and stomach-dropping action.

Yeah, I don’t think so…

Theme Park Bosses: Wait, hold up.


Theme Park Bosses: Do you think it’s impossible?

Well, yeah-

Theme Park Bosses: Let me make the impossible possible and we can talk about you going naked up there.

Wait, what are-

Theme Park Bosses: Don’t worry, it’ll be very kimochi.

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Behold, The Non-Screamers

Some people, like me, are loud screamers.

But just as there are screamers like me out there, there are also people who don’t scream. At all.

Even when taking that long-ass-clenched roller coaster ride.

In response to doubters who don’t think anyone can take the ride without screaming, the theme park released this video on Twitter:

The two main characters on the video are the bosses of the theme park:

Image: Twitter
  • Fuji-Q Highland president Daisuke Iwata (Bow-tie)
  • Koichiro Horiuchi, president of rail and bus operator Fuji Kyukou, Fuji-Q Highland’s parent company (suit jacket)

Both of them took the ride without even letting out a squeal…and kept their masks on.

And as it turns out, Horiuchi has a fear of heights as well.

Image: Giphy

Now that’s what I call leading by example.

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