There’s Limited Edition Spicy Mamee Monster Noodles In Jumbo Packs in JB

Imagine buying a jumbo pack of assorted Mamee noodles and wanting to go home immediately to munch on that crunchy noodle goodness mixed with an abundant amount of seasoning.

But then you open up the jumbo pack to find this.

Image: Facebook

That is exactly what happened to a Malaysian known as Zi Jian. Upon his discovery, he promptly took to Facebook to share these photos.

Limited Edition Mamee Monster

Image: Facebook

Just look at those black noodles tinged with red seasoning! Judging by the warning signs littered all over the packaging, you can pretty much conclude that these noodles are spicy af and absolutely not for the faint of heart.

Also, those noodles aren’t artificially coloured, which makes one wonder: What are they exactly made of…?

In fact, the noodles do bear some resemblance to the Ghost Pepper Spicy Chicken instant noodles from Daebak Noodles that went viral a few months ago.

Image: @ashril_92 on twitter

Now if the spiciness is reaching the level of a ghost pepper, I might just have to back out of this.

Not Safe For Kids?

Seeing as Mamee noodles are mostly marketed towards children, depending on your child’s tolerance to spice, this specific noodle’s spiciness could either be a blessed experience, or a childhood-ruining one. Regardless, this isn’t something that you want to accidentally slip to your kid.

Or perhaps you could ‘accidentally’ slip it into the hands of a nephew you don’t like.

Heck, even the Mamee monster looks half dead from eating it.

Image: Giphy

You know shit has gone down when your own mascot is afraid of its own product.

With such glaring warning signs littered all over the packaging, naturally, we’d want to avoid it for fear of our own life tempt fate and consume it.

After all, aren’t we a region full of proud chilli lovers?

Where To Find It

Unfortunately for Singaporeans, this particular pack of unique Mamee noodle is only available in Malaysia.

Image: Facebook

According to this netizen, the special flavour is currently only available on specially imprinted packets sold at Aeon BiG in Kluang, Malaysia, as well as in supermarkets under the brand ‘新山超市’.

Some netizens also stipulated that supermarkets in Johor Bahru might be stocking them soon.

If you’re wondering what the jumbo packs that contain this special flavour look like, it’s these ones with the mamee monster characters wearing sunglasses.

Image: Facebook

Be warned though, even if you’ve managed to snag one of these special jumbo packs, the appearance of this flavour still isn’t confirmed, as the spicy mamee noodles are not present in all of the specially marked jumbo packs.

Image: Facebook

Now I don’t know about you, but the sadist within me is booking my trip over to Kluang right this moment to clean out those shelves in an effort to get one of those extra spicy noodle snacks.

Image: Giphy

Take my money.