This Dancing Pikachu Lamp Can Giggle And Respond To Your Words With ‘Pika Pika’

Do you spend your Friday nights Netflixing without the chill because you have no one to chill with?

Well, I may have the perfect Netflix companion for you (if you like Pokemon and consider inanimate objects companions, that is).

I Choose You, Pikachu

Takara Tomy, a Japanese toy and merchandise company, has created a Pikachu lamp called The Pikachu Puni Light.

“Puni” refers to the Japanese word for ‘punipuni’, a term used to describe a “soft and squishy” feeling, according to Sora News.

So, throw away your teddy bears and security blankets, because here’s a comfort object with practical functions.

Image: Otome-yusha

No, not that.


Image: Sora News

Pikachu’s soul is as bright as the sun, but, fortunately for you, his brightness can be adjusted to three different levels.

Image: YouTube

The cute lamp can also be used as a nightlight.

You can set a timer so the light will automatically switch off after a certain amount of time.

Image: Hobbylink Japan

Additional functions

You were probably sold the minute I said “Pikachu lamp”, but what if I told you it dances and talks back as well?

When you put the lamp in dance mode, Pikachu starts getting his groove on.

Ok, so he’s not exactly Shakira, but how many of your lamps can dance?

Plus, when the lamp is set to communication mode, it responds to your words or pats on the head with “Pika pika!”.

I’ll wait a few seconds so you can go “Awwww”.

Image: gipfy

So, if you would like to come home every day to a talking, awkward-dancing, squishy Pikachu, you can go to Hobbylink Japan’s website to purchase one.

The lamp is currently selling at S$94.82 instead of S$118.53.


Here’s the commercial for the lamp:

You got to admit that half the time, the reason why Japanese advertisements are so fun to watch is because of the voiceover. 

Well, I don’t know about you but this seems like the perfect gift to get for that #ForeverAlone friend that everybody has.
