This Isn’t an Image of Glossy Legs. You Can’t Unsee it Once You’ve Seen it

Last Updated on 2017-05-25 , 7:10 pm

Take a serious look at this image. No, really, take a real serious look. Then say aloud what it is.

Image: Instagram (@leonardhoespams)
Image: Instagram (@leonardhoespams)

Did you just say a pair of glossy legs? Or a pair of legs with oil? Well, if so, you’re just like us, and many people around the world. But like what Buzzfeed said in their headline, you’ll be losing it over this photo of someone’s legs. Because it isn’t a pair of glossy legs. Earlier this week, Instagram user Hunter Culverhouse posted this innocent looking legs on her Instagram and people started to go “once you see it you can’t unsee it”.

Doesn’t make sense until you realize this: they’re not a pair of glossy legs. They’re a pair of legs with white paint. Okay, here’s the image for you again so that you can go, “OMG.”

Image: Instagram (@leonardhoespams)
Image: Instagram (@leonardhoespams)

Get it now? According to an interview on Buzzfeed, this optical illusion was constructed out of an accident: she was merely doing some art homework and decided to draw some lines with her brush that had white paint. She never had the intention to make it look shiny. What an accident, indeed. Show this to your friends and make them go OMG now!

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Featured Image: Instagram (@leonardhoespams)

This article was first published on

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