This Mannequin Challenge by Real Dogs Just Pwn All Other Challenges


In the last few weeks, we’ve come across many interesting Mannequin Challenges, like the one with people lifting weight and the one with people juggling balls (which still doesn’t make sense to me).

But all those Mannequin Challenges can be done with a bit of lots of training, so it’s not impossible, but very doable.

This Mannequin Challenge by SOSD is different. So different, the mannequins aren’t humans, but dogs.

Real dogs.

Well, granted that some dogs are moving, most of them aren’t.

What’s most amazing is the cat at 0:31 mark—while dogs could be trained, cats often live in their own world. Instructing a cat to stay still is like requesting for an early dismissal from your teacher: you won’t even try.

Image: Facebook (SOSD)

What’s discouraging is that this Mannequin Challenge only has got 38K views. It deserves more—so do your part by sharing it, because 0.31 cat.

And oh, do remember to watch the video after the text. It’ll not just be cute, but extremely hilarious, too.

Featured Image: Facebook (SOSD)

This article was first published on

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