This video about a mother abandoning her baby will shock and make you cry

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:43 pm

As a parent, would you abandon your child? In Singapore, a first-world country with excellent citizen welfare and benefits, it is most likely that you will never ever witness such a scenario even if you stay here your entire life. Thanks to the low birth rate, the government is pretty efficient and willing to provide social help and subsidies even if you are unable to raise your baby with your low income.

However, this mother actually abandoned her own baby due to personal problems. Why? Watch it before continuing to read.

Do you have tears in your eyes yet?

Though our rights as humans are pretty much secured and taken care of here in this country, what about that of other living things – i.e. our pet companions?

A comment on this video will definitely strike a chord with all of us: “for baby abandonment, there will be government or care groups to take care of them. But for dogs (pets), if it gets (sic) in the hands of spca, they are just going to be put to sleep and gone from the world forever.” The SPCA can only house 170 animals at any time, while thousands of stray animals (including pets) are rescued every year. Do the maths.

Our pets rely on us once we have made the choice to take care of them. Many people are excited by the prospects of having a dear companion whose lives revolve around us, giving us the love we crave. Even though we ourselves have social lives and personal commitments, our pets’ worlds solely revolve around us.

It’s cruel to just abandon them and leave them helplessly at some foreign place, wondering why they never see us anymore. If you still have a heart, consider carefully before you take on the responsibility of being a pet-owner. #TreatItLikeYourOwn