Unbearable Foul Smell from Toa Payoh HDB Flat Led to Discovery of Decomposed Body

Last Sunday (26 Dec), it was Boxing Day.

It is a holiday celebrated after Christmas Day, which occurs on the second day of Christmastide.

The name originated from an era where the rich used to box up presents for the poor. Now, it’s more commonly known to be a day where we exchange gifts with our loved ones.

While it may be a joyous occasion for some, others, unfortunately, had a not-so-pleasant experience.

Man’s body found in Toa Payoh HDB Flat

On 26 Dec, a body of a man was found by the police in a housing development board (HDB) flat in Toa Payoh.

The 63-year-old was identified as Zhang Yue Long.

By the time he was discovered, his body was already in a state of decomposition.

The police said that the man was found lying motionlessly and was pronounced dead on the spot by a paramedic.

Based on preliminary investigations, foul play is not suspected. The man is suspected to pass on due to natural causes.

Neighbours had to put up with unbearable foul smell

According to Shin Min, neighbours had to put up with an intolerable foul stench coming up with the unit for several days.

As a result, the deceased man’s neighbour said her husband decided to phone the police.

This then led to the revelation of Zhang’s remains within his unit located at Block 100 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh.

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Allegedly fell out with his two younger brothers

Zhang’s younger brother spoke to the Chinese media, saying that even though he resided nearby, he only learnt about the death of Zhang through the neighbours.

According to him, Zhang used to live together with his mother.

At the HDB flat where the body was found, both mother and son initially had their names listed as the co-owners of the HDB flat.

However, before the siblings’ mother passed on, she removed herself as the co-owner of the house.

That move then created a dispute amongst the three sons.

In case you don’t know, once a co-owner has withdrawn, the ownership of an HDB flat will then be entirely transferred over to the remaining co-owner(s).

This meant that Zhang was the sole owner and occupant of the apartment.

In Zhang’s younger brother point of view though, he believed that his mother has intended to leave the unit behind to be shared equally among her three sons.

Therefore, that led to a conflict and subsequent fallout.

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