Trump Continues to Praise Putin for Russia’s Invasion & Called Ukraine President a ‘Brave Man’

Oh, Donald Trump. It could be 3033 and his ghost will still be singing the praises of authoritarian leaders and roasting the Democrats.

Trump continues to praise Putin and roast Biden. Well, at least he called the Ukrainian president a brave man?

Here’s what Trump has been saying, and whether his fellow Republicans have been echoing him.

Called Putin Smart, Labelled Zelensky Brave

At the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump complimented Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that he’s “smart”.

When talking about the invasion, Trump said, “The problem is not that Putin is smart, which, of course, he’s smart. The problem is that our leaders are dumb.”

In the days since Russian troops invaded Ukraine, Trump has called Putin a “genius” and “savvy”.

But these praises aren’t a surprise, as Trump has always admired authoritarian leaders. Trump had also previously sang the praises of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and China’s Xi Jinping.

However, Trump had also called Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky “a brave man”, saying that “he’s hanging in.”

He had also labelled Putin’s invasion a travesty and an assault on humanity… which makes us all wonder how he can think this way, but still support Putin.

Criticised Biden’s Administration

Unsurprisingly, Trump had criticised Biden’s administration, labelling them as dumb and said that they “allowed [Putin] to get away with this travesty and assault on humanity.

“Putin is playing Biden like a drum and it’s not a pretty thing to watch.”

Trump added that he has no doubt that Putin made the decision to invade Ukraine after watching the “pathetic withdrawal” from Afghanistan.

Additionally, he claimed that Biden was letting Putin off with “no repercussions whatsoever”, which was contradictory to the new sanctions Biden had announced. Trump added that Biden’s sanction-centred response was a “pretty weak statement”, given how Russia has been under sanctions for more than two decades now.

Tried To Claim Credit For Arming Ukraine

Trump said, “I gave Ukraine the javelins that everyone is now talking about and millions of dollars of other military equipment. The Obama administration gave them blankets.”

Well, Biden had just approved the sending of US$350 million worth of weapons to Ukraine. But whatever floats your boat, Trump.

He added that Russia would have never invaded Ukraine if he had been president.

“Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine. I stand as the only President of the 21st century on whose watch Russia did not invade another country. Under our administration, Russia respected America.”

I mean, there are a lot more reasons for Russia deciding to invade Ukraine than just their perception of America, such as NATO’s expansion. But it seems like Trump is insistent on portraying himself as the greatest of all time.

Republicans Criticise Biden, But Isn’t Singing Putin’s Praises

Many Republicans have echoed Trump’s criticism of Biden. But they certainly aren’t complimenting Putin.

Other Republicans who spoke at CPAC encouraged the Biden administration to take stronger action against Putin.

For instance, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said that a strong American president would “hit Putin where it actually hurts”, which is the Russian energy sector.

She suggested partnering with European countries to replace supplies of Russian oil with American energy. “If Joe Biden can’t or won’t do these things, then he should resign,” Noem stated.

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Trump Running For President Again?

Trump also used CPAC to call his first impeachment back in 2019 “a scam”, and hinted that he wants to run for president again in 2024.

He told the crowd at CPAC that voters will show the country that the sleeping giant has awoken, “starting on 8 November and then again, even more so in November 2024.”

Well, Trump for president isn’t exactly on the top of anyone’s priority list right now. But it’s something to look out for in the upcoming years.

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