#TuesdayTruthday: Goody Feed Beings Reveal The Most Hurtful Thing A Teacher Has Done/Said


We all agree that the Internet is filled with nothing but truthfulness: that influencer whom you’ve been stalking definitely looks like a diva 24 hours a day, and travel 365 days a year.

Your friend is in a great relationship because she’s been posting lovey-dovey images on Instagram, despite the fact that you saw her on Tinder this morning.

With so many people having such a perfect image online, we thought of having a weekly section called #TuesdayTrueday, whereby we Goody Feed, the imperfect human beings on the Internet, reveal some of our stories to show you the truth online.

And for this week, we’ll be talking about the most hurtful thing our teachers have done or said to us.

Growing up, I’m sure most of us would have gotten in trouble for at least one or two things in school. Maybe it was that we were talking to our friends during class when our teacher was teaching, or that we forgot to do our homework. Oops.

While we were in the wrong for doing such things, it is also possible that our teachers may have said things that were hurtful to us, so here are a few stories from us Goody Feed human beings.

The One With The Practicality – Writer, 22

When I was in secondary school, I studied hard and I was able to do pretty well. I ended up doing quite okay for my ‘A’ levels and ended up entering JC thinking that I would do fine too. Boy was I wrong.

JC was a whole other level of struggle for me and it was difficult to attain good grades despite me studying really hard. I sought help from my friends and even went for consultations with my teachers, but even then, I was unable to pull up my grades.

Then came the end of JC1 and I almost didn’t manage to promote to JC2. Thankfully, I did, but I continued to struggle in JC2. The stress was getting higher as we approached the impending ‘A’ levels and I was deathly afraid that I wouldn’t do well.

Towards the end of the year, my Civics tutor spoke to the individuals who were doing poorly to ask us about our plans. He asked me about what my ambition was and after hearing it, he simply said, “Well, I think it’s time to be more practical here.”

When I heard those words, they crushed me.

I knew I wasn’t doing well, but I still had hope that I would be able to make it, seeing as to how I did make some improvement as compared to the previous months.

And I never thought that my tutor would say something so hurtful to me.

The One With The Classroom Terror – Writer, 21

I have to admit. Junior College was a nightmare. For one, I did not for the life of me want to study or do my homework.

More specifically, my Geography homework. Geography was the bane of my existence since I had a phobia of rocks or any landforms for that matter.

My Geography teacher was not having it though and endeavoured to make my life in her Geography class a living hell.


She had a habit of making students go up to the whiteboard and write down their answers, or stand up and answer questions. Pretty normal behaviour for any teacher, right? Yeah, if ‘students’ was just ONE student, aka me.

I was always targeted because she knew I had no idea what was going on LOL. So she made me stand up and answer questions I never knew how to answer. Needless to say, it gave me a greater phobia of the subject and I ended up scoring 9/100 for prelims.

Fun stuff.

She would also regularly let me know that I would fail A levels with utmost surety.

As a young 18-year-old girl who regularly ate baked potatoes at the Good News Cafe at school, I was soft both inside and out. So yes, it definitely hurt.


Thankfully, this story has a happy ending. I ended up doing well for As and going to a local Uni.

The One Whose Butt Was Destroyed With A Cane – Writer, 25

I know that this title is evoking all sorts of images in your head, but please, bare with me.

See, unlike my colleagues above, I was an exemplary student. Teachers loved me and often used me as an example when they were reprimanding misbehaving students.

OK fine, that never happened, but I was smart enough to not get caught slacking off.

Except once.

When I was in Secondary 1, my classmates and I had a problem paying attention in class. We’d talk as if the teacher wasn’t there while she was trying to explain multiplication (or whatever you learn in secondary school maths) to us.


One day, we took it a little too far, however, and continued to talk loudly over our maths teacher even after she scolded us. A few even taunted her.

Then, she started crying. We felt bad and stopped talking when we noticed, but it was too late. She had already gone to the principal’s office and called the chubby man that every student was afraid of.

Let’s call him Mr Lucas.

Now, Mr Lucas seemed to hate boys with a particular passion. He’d go around the school looking for rule-breaking boys just so he could punish them.

And when he caned boys, he caned them like they were convicts on death row.


That day, after our maths teacher told on us, he got so mad that he decided to cane the whole class.

So, I watched and I watched as the principal caned my classmates so hard that some students even started crying.

Then, it was my turn.

I stepped up, positioned myself against the table, and thought of Manchester United, the only thing that made 13-year-old me happy.

Let me tell you, when that cane met my ass, I thought I’d never feel my butt again. My parents had hit me before, but this was a pain unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

I didn’t cry, but a flood of tears was shed on the inside.