We Can Soon Buy Chicken Eggs from Türkiye in Singapore

Türkiye is about to spice up our omelettes here in Singapore with their eggs.

And while Türkiye may not lay eggs, fret not because their hens certainly do, and they are flocking to a supermarket near you in Singapore.

An Egg-citing Update in the Singaporean Food Sphere

Roll up your sleeves, food enthusiasts and egg aficionados, for the Singapore Food Agency has a sizzling update for you. They just declared that “Türkiye has recently been approved as a new source country to export hen shell eggs to Singapore.”

Now isn’t that just egg-cellent news?

This announcement marks a milestone in Singapore’s cracking efforts to diversify its food sources, boosting the list of accredited countries and regions exporting hen shell eggs to Singapore to a staggering 19, up from a mere dozen in 2019.

In a remarkable show of dedication, this is the third time the SFA has extended its warm embrace to a new egg supplier in less than a year.

Following the trail of Brunei in December 2022 and Indonesia in April this year, Türkiye has now joined the exclusive club.

As the saying goes in Singapore, this move is surely no “chicken feed”, with the authorities making strides in securing the nation’s food supply amid global uncertainties, because, as the SFA emphasizes, “no country can be spared from uncertainties in the global food supply.”

So, here we are, Singapore, with nearly two-thirds of our egg supplies flown in from across the globe, and a hearty one-third being home-grown.

This certainly puts all our eggs in multiple baskets, doesn’t it?

Now, for the million-dollar (or should we say, million-egg?) question that has everyone on eggshells: Will this recent development lead to a drop in egg prices, making our beloved breakfast staple more affordable? As we hover on the brink of an eggvolution, only time will tell if our wallets will be as full as our breakfast plates.

I should stop the egg puns now.