50-YO Found a Job Within 2 Days After Asking MP Tin Pei Ling for Help

In addition to claiming lives, the Covid-19 has also destroyed businesses and stripped workers of their livelihoods.

At a time like this, when so many are losing their jobs, citizens are calling on the government for support.

Often, this aid comes in the form of subsidies and grants, to tide the unemployed over until they find another job.

But in the case of this 50-year-old woman, one government official personally helped her get a job after she was approached for help.

50-YO Found a Job Within 2 Days After Asking MP Tin Pei Ling for Help

A female laundry operator who was recently laid off during the Covid-19 pandemic managed to find a job within two days after she reached out to Member of Parliament (MP) Tin Pei Lin for help.

The woman, Mdm Guo, was made redundant in February this year because the laundry company she was working at was forced to shutter due to the coronavirus outbreak, reported Zaobao.

Mdm Guo had worked in the laundry industry for over 20 years, so she managed to get a job at another another laundry company soon after.

However, before she could receive her confirmation of employment, the government imposed the circuit breaker period.

Oh Come On Jim Carrey GIF
Image: Giphy

According to Unscrambled, this put a halt to Mdm Guo’s employment, along with six other workers.

What’s worse is that she was not even eligible to apply for the Covid-19 Support Grant because her employment was affected by the pandemic for less than three months.

Moreover, she didn’t receive the employee subsidies that full-time employee were entitled to because she was not a confirmed employee yet.

Image: Tenor

This presented financial difficulties not just for Mdm Guo but for her family, who relied heavily on her monthly income of S$1,000 to pay off their monthly expenses of S$600 for her 3-room HDB.

Mdm Guo’s husband was also unemployed.

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Lady Luck

Desperate, Mdm Guo decided to “try her luck” and sent Member of Parliament (MP) Tin Pei Lin an email after hearing that she was hiring temporary seamstresses for a mask-sewing scheme, reported Unscrambled.

Writing in to an MP is a bit like buying a lottery ticket; you’re hopeful of getting what you want, but you also know it’s highly unlikely.

To Mdm Guo’s surprise, the MP responded within half an hour asking for her name and address.

That’s already impressive, but a grassroots leader also visited her home half an hour later and arranged for her to discuss the issue further at a Community Club the next day.

Image: Tenor

Then, on 20 April, Mdm Guo was loaned a sewing machine for free so she could start work immediately.

“I am really touched. I did not expect that she will reply to me. She was so efficient, and she even helped me in finding a temporary job so quickly. It is with her help that I can get through such difficult times,” she said.

Mdm Guo became part of an initiative called “Masks Sewn With Love”, where handmade masks are sewn to help vulnerable groups. It also provided people like Mdm Guo with temporary employment.

“When I learned from MP Tin Pei Ling that these masks are to be donated to the needy families, I am very happy that I can help others while being helped,” Mdm Guo said.

According to MP Tin, many residents had reached out to her for employment assistance, comprising 10% to 20% of all the emails she received during the pandemic.

“I believe that these residents have urgent needs, and they need help in supporting their families before they can take the next step,” the MP said.

At the moment, Mdm Guo is waiting for her new company to resume operations so she can get back to work.

No date has been set as of yet, but the 50-year-old hopes to get back to work as soon as possible.

Let’s hope that lady luck stays on Mdm Guo’s side throughout the pandemic.

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