US CDC Updates Travel Advisory to S’pore Again, This Time to ‘Very High’ COVID-19 Level

Last month, the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classified its COVID-19 travel advisory for Singapore.

It discouraged Americans from visiting our nation citing reasons that the level of diseases here is “Unknown”.

Image: US CDC

That prompted our health minister, Mr Ong Ye Kung, to address the issue in a press conference. He said that “we know our situation very well.”

Mr Ong surmised that the US described Singapore’s COVID-19 situation as “Unknown” because it’s not aware of COVID-19 surveillance test numbers, which show that positive rates were then low.

In determining its health advisories for travel abroad, the CDC uses COVID-19 data reported by the World Health Organisation and other official sources.

And if a country or region does not provide such data, its Travel Health Notice (THN) level will be designated as “Unknown”, and Americans will be advised to avoid travel to such areas.

Shortly after that, the authorities in Singapore have been in touch with the CDC, and have also given the necessary statistics to the US Embassy.

Our level was then reclassified at “High” instead.

In case you didn’t know, the United States has four levels of travel advisories with regards to COVID-19:

  • Low – Level 1
  • Moderate – Level 2
  • High – Level 3
  • Very high – Level 4

Okay, at least it’s not  “Unknown”, or it’s not “Very high”, right? Given that the US has over half million new cases per day, our rate of a few thousand a day should be—

Image: Screenshot from US CDC


On 31 January in the US, or Chinese New Year here in Singapore, the US just shifted us, together with other countries like Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Kosovo, Philippines and Paraguay, to “Very high”.

Stupid son of a—

US CDC Updates Travel Advisory to S’pore Again, This Time to ‘Very High’ COVID-19 Level

But fret not; just like what US President Joe Biden said, sometimes, it wasn’t personal, pal.

In the last few days, the number of COVID-19 cases reported in Singapore has been rising, primarily because we’re now including the ART results in the tally. Just yesterday (1 Feb), we have 6,264 new cases—and that, of course, exclude people who tested positive at home and found an excuse not to visit their aunties.

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The US CDC merely advises people to avoid travelling to Singapore, and if need to, they should be vaccinated.

You see, unlike in Singapore whereby almost every Ah Hock, Ah Seng and Ah Lian are fully vaccinated, over in the US, only about 64% of people in the US are vaccinated, so if there were Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures (VDS) in the US, the malls would’ve been much emptier.

In the meantime, for Singaporeans, it’s just another Wednesday.

I mean, were you in a shopping mall in the last two days? What’s Chinese New Year ah, and what’s COVID-19?

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Featured Image: Screenshot from US CDC