Here’s Why Those Masks With Valves Are Useless in Preventing COVID-19 Transmissions


In many countries, it’s now illegal to leave your house without covering the lower half of your face.

Ever since evidence showing that asymptomatic people can also spread the coronavirus emerged, more and more countries are making it mandatory for their citizens to wear face masks when they go outside.

Not all face masks are created equal, however. Some may actually be completely useless in performing the basic function it was designed for.

What Are Valve Face Masks?

The first time you wore a mask was probably an unpleasant experience.

It was a little harder to breathe, it made you feel warm, and you discovered that your breath smells like a rotting sardine.

That’s why some people wear face masks with valves.

Image: 3M

For those who don’t know, valve face masks have a tiny plastic piece embedded in the fabric that creates an airway for your exhalation to leave the mask.

But it also closes when you breathe in, so you won’t be breathing in any infectious particles.

Sounds great, right? It keeps you cool and also protects you from the coronavirus.

The only problem is that it doesn’t protect those around you.

Not Designed For Viruses

See, these valve face masks were actually designed for industrial workers, not for protection during a pandemic.

According to Fast Company, these masks were introduced in America in the 70s to be used by workers in factories and coal mines.

These workers initially had to wear respirators because they helped to filter harmful particles in the air.

But wearing these respirators was an unpleasant experience, as it trapped heat and water vapour.

That’s why valve face masks were introduced, to keep these workers cool while they were working.

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Useless For Viruses

But, while it may be more comfortable, valve face masks are not effective during a pandemic.


Regular face masks are designed to capture virus particles that you might inhale and exhale.

This prevents you from breathing in harmful or infectious particles, but it also prevents you from exhaling them out into the air.

On the other hand, when you wear valve face masks, your mouth is basically an “open exhaust”, said Fast Company.

Since the whole point of wearing face masks is to protect those around you, valve face masks are essentially useless.

That’s why some cities in the US have started banning these masks; there’s really no point in wearing one.


So, What Mask Should You Use?

There are four main masks that Singaporeans can choose from to effectively protect themselves and others from the coronavirus:

  • Surgical masks
  • N95 respirator (without valve)
  • Cloth Mask
  • Ultra Mask

Fortunately, the government has given out free cloth masks and Ultra masks in nationwide distribution exercises.

These masks are good enough to protect you from the coronavirus, but you could also choose to use a surgical mask or N95 mask if you can get your hands on them.

Whatever your choice, make sure to mask up before you leave your house. If everyone wears the right type of mask all the time, the rate of transmission will certainly slow down.