Rumours of Vicki Zhao Divorcing Surfaced After IG Images Related to Her Husband Were Deleted

Have you ever seen your friend go through a breakup? You should know the first thing any healthy human being should do.

That’s right, delete all photos of your boyfriend/girlfriend off your Instagram.

(Or just archive them if you think there’s a possibility of getting back together)

If you see your crush remove all their couple photos, that’s how you know they’re available once again.

Well, apparently, Chinese Netizens follow the same rule.

Vicki Zhao’s Couple Photos Removed From Instagram

Wow, Vicki Zhao.

Image: Giphy

The last I heard of her was when I wrote the article on her being BFFs with our local veteran star Li Nanxing.

Before that, she was mainly an actress from my childhood times. You know, 还珠格格 (My Fair Princess).

If you don’t know that show, then maybe I’m getting old.

Editor: What the hell? You’re only 25.

Moving on – she has been making the news recently when photos of her and her husband have been deleted off her Instagram.

To netizens, that can only mean one thing.

Divorce Speculations by Netizens

If even a sweet photo of her husband holding their daughter’s hand and roses he gifted to her is gone, then their marriage must surely be on the rocks… right?

Chinese Netizens started speculating and has been making waves of comments on her Weibo.

However, her management claims that the netizens were “catching wind and chasing shadows” (捕风捉影) – which is a Chinese idiom used to describe baseless rumours.

However, they did not clarify why the photos were removed.

Image: Giphy

But whatever the story is, I guess they’ll tell us when we’re ready.

Power Couple

If you’ve been out of the loop with news on Vicki Zhao like me, here are some updates on her and her husband over the years.

They have reportedly been heading a media company known as Tibet Longwei and have grown in wealth and power.

However, they caught some flak in 2016 when irregularities of their failed takeover bid caught the scrutiny of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, for which they were banned from the mainland stock market for five years.

Nevertheless, they are still quite the power couple as they’ve recently bought a penthouse in the Ardmore Park condominium. To save you a Google search – it’s a place most of us can only dream of being able to afford.

To put it into perspective, they purchased it for $27.65 million. Yikes.

Well, we wish the couple all the best and happiness in the world and hope that the rumours are truly unfounded.