David Beckham Said His Wife Has Been Eating the Same Thing Daily For the Last 25 Years

Some of us can’t even diet for a day before submitting to a bubble tea craving.

Maybe because they don’t have superior bubble tea, but Victoria Beckham has been on the same diet for 25 years.

Here’s what she eats, and what husband David Beckham has to say about it.

Grilled Fish and Steamed Vegetables

Victoria Beckham was part of Spice Girls, a wildly popular pop girl group back in the 1990s. The fashion designer then went on to marry David Beckham, one of the most famous football players globally.

Living her life under the spotlight, it is no surprise that she goes on diets to maintain her model-like figure. But David said that she’s only eaten grilled fish and steamed vegetables for the 25 years he’s known her.

No chicken? And not even a bit of vegetable stir fry?

Only Broke Diet Once

So yeah, maybe she did have some chicken or stir fry once in 25 years.

David shared that the only time he’s seen Victoria break her diet was when she was pregnant with their fourth child, Harper. She ate food that was on David’s plate (which was definitely not grilled fish and steamed vegetables) that one time and he describes it as “the most amazing thing”.

He no longer remembers exactly what she ate, but is still so excited about it that he remembers it as one of his favourite evenings. Aww.

Also, yes, this means that she kept her diet even throughout her four pregnancies. And didn’t submit to pregnancy cravings. That must be some god-tier commitment to fish and veggies.

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Loves Being Alone… So He Can Eat Whatever He Wants

I never thought I’d have something in common with a former football star, but same. Anyone else’s family told you to stop eating pineapple tarts recently?

With Victoria being really strict with her own diet, she’ll probably have some things to say about what her husband eats as well.

David was in isolation for five days recently after travelling home from Italy, and couldn’t attend a family party. It was then that he realised: he secretly loved being home alone.

He had “two most amazing cuts” of meat (a T-bone and English wagyu beef), and had a glass of the “most amazing” red wine. After all that amazing food, he watched some amazing football on his own.

Okay, I’ll stop repeating the word amazing now, But everything does seem pretty… amazing when you’re treating yourself.

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Featured Image: BAKOUNINE / shutterstock.com