Video of a lady cooking dog meat like chicken is not just sick, but extremely controversial

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:43 pm

Before you read this, here’s a disclaimer: this is extremely disturbing, and if you’re a pet lover who has a weak heart, you might want to click away.

Still here? Well, here goes.

Here’s the disturbing fact that you might not know: According to a paper by Claire Czajkowski published by Animal Law, humans consume an estimated 25 million dogs per year. While this figure is much lower than the number of chickens consumed each year (in the US, 8 billion chickens are consumed annually), it is still shocking, considering that it’s taboo here in Singapore.

But elsewhere in the world, dog meat is still being sold and eaten.

Image: Wikipedia (Maria Ly)
Image: Wikipedia (Maria Ly)

You can view the video below on how indifferent the cook was when she cooked the dog meat, treating them almost like chicken. She even showed the cameraman the best way to cook the dog, and suggested what type of dogs to be eaten.

But as you look at this, have you ever wondered: why didn’t we feel the same for chickens, pigs or cows?