[Video] This is how McDonald’s chocolate fries look like. OMG anyone else drooling?

Last Updated on 2016-05-18 , 3:46 pm

While Singaporeans might not be the most adventurous eaters in the world, we certainly aren’t the least. One of the most conflicting things is often the addition of salt to desserts, and salted caramel has since become an absolute hit with Singaporeans. Are you ready to add…sugar to your favourite savoury snack?

McDonald’s in Japan certainly think the Japanese are ready for it, with the introduction of their new McFry Potato with Chocolate Sauce – a box of fries that come with a packet of milk and white chocolate for you to drizzle onto your hot, crunchy fried potato strips. This video pretty much tells you what it’s all about.

出現了!日本M記今日出朱古力薯條【日本美食】出現了!日本M記今日出朱古力薯條終於推出了!!!鍾意朱古力的你應該會鍾意食!特派員: 五月玲子。日本工作假期 #新假期飲食================================【M記】多塊蛋竟然平$2 ?! 5個難以解釋的M記大智慧詳情:www.weekendhk.com/?p=139350要睇旅遊攻略、平機票消息、食譜教學等等內容,立即加入新假期周刊啦,咪執輸呀!加入按: https://www.facebook.com/WeekendWeekly/

Posted by 新假期JetSo on Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Judging by the comments, the reactions are quite mixed. Many people think that the sauce might be good with fries that are fresh out of the fryer, but have no faith in McDonald’s keeping their fries fresh – others are fascinated and can’t wait to try it.

Shaker fries have become quite a staple in McDonald’s in Singapore, but it might take a while before the fast food bigwigs think we’re ready to buy into it. Hey, if some of us are already dipping our fries into our ice cream, why not?