What Are The Laws About Naked People In Public: Is Topless Jogging Legal?

Last Updated on 2022-09-20 , 3:28 pm

Considering that we’ve banned the sales of chewing gum in Singapore, our laws are definitely a little more unique than other countries. On top of that, the threat of fines hangs low in many areas, so what are the laws about naked people in public? Is stripping till you’re half-naked in public considered illegal?

In the horrendously hot weather of Singapore, it’s easy to complain about the heat and groan about your sweat-drenched shirt. Some have resorted to taking off their shirt to cool down, but have unfortunately been caught on websites like STOMP, ending up looking rather scandalous.

So, is it an offence to walk around (or maybe, jog around) half-naked in public?

Naked People In Public – A Crime

Under Rogue and Vagabonds, Act 27A, Singapore’s law states that walking around nude in a public place or a private place that’s exposed to public view, is illegal. One could get fined or even jailed for up to 3 months just for being naked even in your own home.

If you’re at home, it’s easy to just pull the curtains to avoid being the next big star on STOMP, but what about going half-naked in public?

Being nude is defined by the Act as “a person who is clad in such a manner as to offend against public decency or order”. This means that anyone who’s disgusted by your state of dress (or undress) could call you out as being nude.

In a conservative society like Singapore, it’s not surprising that people are offended by the sight of male chests in public. For females, it might be less unusual for people to be offended. And when we refer to half-naked, we do mean the top half; keep your private bits to yourself, please.

In other words, it’s not about half-naked…but whether you “offend against public decency or order.”

So The Lesson To Be Learned Is…?

Now, to be safe, just keep your clothes on and get some thinner clothes. We don’t want the aunties and uncles crying foul because you’re showing a little too much skin, because let’s face it: in this new generation, people take offence at anything and everything.

Especially when there’s the Internet.

Featured Image: James Jiao / Shutterstock.com